Page 45 of A Fated Vow

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“You did stab me, if I recall.”

“Oh, right…” I drop my hand, casting my gaze away as I purse my lips.

His finger crooks beneath my chin, his boots heavy against the marble floors as he steps closer, tipping my face up to his. “Don’t look sad about that. It’s a compliment. I can’t say there are many alive that have managed to nick my skin, let alone wound me. It was impressive.”

“Impressive? Lucky is more like it. Surely, you were distracted, and I just happened to act at the right time. I don’t know the first thing about using a dagger or sword or any weapon, really. I’m not even sure I could punch someone if my life depended on it.” With a scoff, I attempt to turn away, but he drags my face back to his.

“I was distracted,” he says, his eyes flicking over my face. “But we can work on the rest of that. The Lady of Grim’s Keep should know how to protect herself, in case I’m not around to do it for her. And let’s be honest, Griffin is deadly in beast form, but I’m not sure how great he’d be under pressure. If the place wasunder attack, he’d go for the wine cellar and barricade himself inside.”

I chuckle, Asmo echoing me.

The music plays even though Griffin has left, the chef too. We’re alone—though, it won’t be for long. If I believed the things I was taught, I’d be trembling in the spot beneath the gaze of the deadliest demon to live, but it’s not fear that has me shaking. It’s nerves.

My body is teeming with them, vibrating with spark after rogue spark. It’s like every piece of me is panicking at the thought of him hovering so close, with his lips mere inches away from mine and the desire to know what they feel like. What they taste like. To know if I was right in my dream.

"So, will you dance with me?" His breath blankets my cheeks, and I’m suddenly aware of every rise and fall of my chest—of his.

"I… Yes, I'd like that very much," I say, my voice steady despite the rapid beat of my heart.

Asmo takes my hand, threading our fingers together with such gentleness that I’m in awe of the contrast between that touch and the firmness of his hand sliding over the small of my back, bringing my body to his.

The hesitance, the unsettled restlessness that I saw in him earlier is long gone, replaced by a man so warm, with a smile that’s kind and sincere. It’s a smile I’m beginning to enjoy more than I care to admit, that makes my heart flutter every time I see it.

The gentle glow of the orbs overhead, mixed with the ambient light Griffin arranged around the throne room, casts beautiful shadows over his face, highlighting every feature, from his strong, sharp jaw, to the beautiful curve of his eyebrows, and the amber eyes they frame.

"I wasn't sure about this…about any of it," he confesses as we sway gently to the music. "But I find myself grateful for the distraction, for the chance to forget, if only for a moment."

His honesty, raw and unguarded, strikes a chord within me, a pang of curiosity filling my mind in seconds. "Forget what?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“The things I saw while I was asleep. It was odd, like dreaming but so lifelike. It took me a while to realize it wasn’t reality, but a nightmare.” Asmo squeezes our joined hand a bit tighter, and where my hand rests near his neck, I have the sudden urge to play with the loose strands of his hair, to comfort him in a way I don’t understand.

“What was the nightmare of?” My heart leaps the moment the question leaves my lips. He probably doesn’t want to talk about it. I shouldn’t have asked—

“Of being back in the Realm of Monsters. In my dream, I was still the dungeon warden in Solaria, serving the mad king. It’s odd, even now I can still feel the weight of the enchanted cuff he forced on me. It drained my magic, so he could take and give whatever he pleased. He never let me forget that it could kill me in the span of him mumbling a single word.” His eyes drop, staring at the slim space between our bodies as we sway.

“That sounds terrible.” I shake my head. “I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like. I’m sorry you had to relive that.”

He lets out a “Hah,” and traps his bottom lip between his teeth a moment before meeting my eyes. “It’s not my ideal dream.” A silent moment passes before he says, “Did you sleep in my room, too? In my bed?”

I stiffen, my feet ceasing to move, but I don’t back away. “I um, I did. Yes. The chair is comfy, but I nodded off in it and it hurt my neck. I didn’t think there was any harm in laying in the bed, so long as I stayed on my side.”

His smile grows wider as his eyes narrow. “And did you? Stay on your side, I mean?”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I drop my gaze. “Why are you asking?”

“Because I remember being deep in that nightmare and suddenly feeling warm—held—like I was safe. And I’d like to know if that feeling was random or because a lovely, little elf woman decided to cuddle my comatose body in the middle of the night.”

I don’t dare look at him. The heat in my cheek, in my ears, is a dead giveaway. Though, he deserves the truth. “I um, woke up that way. I hadn’t intended to do so, but must’ve been cold, or something. I’d made a pillow barrier the next night to ensure I didn’t violate your personal space, if it makes you feel better.”

Asmo chuckles, pressing a bit harder on my back, urging me closer. “You didn’tinvadeanything. You were asleep. And it helped.”

I breathe, letting the air I’d trapped in my lungs out in relief. At least he’s not mad.

Desperate to change the subject, I clear my throat. “I wouldn’t have expected you to enjoy dancing.” It’s not a lie. His steps are fluid and graceful, like he was born doing it.

“Yes, well, I’ll have you know, I’m a fantastic dancer. Though, I like to keep my skills to myself and usually only do so in the privacy of my room.” He lets go of my back, lifting our joined hands and beckoning me to twirl under his arm. The moment I do, he stops me mid spin, his body warm against my back, his breath hot against my ear. “I know I told you not to bug me the first night you were here, but I want you to know, if you’re ever cold, I’m more than happy to fix that.”

I tilt my head, slightly looking over my shoulder. “Are you inviting me to your bed?”
