Page 54 of A Fated Vow

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"Come here," he beckons, waving me towards him. "I'll show you."

I finish my cup of punch and slide into the seat next to him on the bench, but before I can sit down all the way, his hand grips my waist, guiding me onto his lap instead. The sudden closeness sends butterflies fluttering through my stomach, and the effects of Griffin's punch make the world around me shimmer with newfound intensity. Every sense is heightened, awakened with such vibrancy, I almost don’t want to experience normal again.

"Put your hands on top of mine," Asmo whispers, and I suck in a breath as his lips brush my ear. His breath is warm against my skin, sending shivers through me.

Still, I do as he says and rest my fingers on top of his, aligning them with the keys.

He begins to move, taking my hands with his and he glides across the keys, each note ringing out clear and true. The melody is hauntingly beautiful, and I lose myself in the music, leaning into the warm, sturdy man at my back as my heart beats wildly in my chest.

Time seems to stand still as we navigate the keys, but as the final notes of the song linger in the air, Asmo's movements slowand he laces his fingers with mine, gently stroking his thumbs over the top of my hands.

"See, I knew you could do it," he says, and the sheer pride in his voice has my heart melting into a puddle at our feet.

I glance over my shoulder at him, pulse racing. Our eyes lock, and for a moment, nothing seems to matter but me and him, and I’m aware of every place our bodies connect. The stolen kiss from earlier dances at the edges of my thoughts, and an unspoken desire passes between us.

As if reading my mind, Asmo leans in, his lips brushing mine ever so gently. The sensation is electric, igniting a fire deep within me that spreads through my body, making my breath catch. I can taste the lingering sweetness of the punch on his lips, the faint tang of magic mingling with the warmth of his skin. The scent of him, a mix of nightshade and storm-soaked earth, envelopes me. It’s intoxicating and irresistible and so damning.

But I don’t want him to stop.

My body has never felt soalivebefore.

I press into him, and he responds in kind, his arms encircling me as he pulls me closer. The kiss deepens, our mouths moving as one in a dance as ancient as time itself. His tongue teases along my lower lip before slipping past, exploring with a hunger that mirrors my own.

Without giving me a chance to catch my breath, to stop my head from spinning from the sensations that have all but taken control of me, those cool, icy metal rings on his fingers leave frozen trails in their wake as they move. They slide down my arms, making me shiver. His hands dig into my hip, his strong, powerful arms hoisting me up from his lap.

The piano keys strum as I’m twisted and placed down onto them, a whimper escaping me as the noise slices through the air. He chuckles against my lips. I can feel them pull into a smirk as if he’s amused with himself—with me.

My head falls back, gasping as those rings connect with the sensitive skin of my thighs. I’m not sure when he worked the hem of my dress up. If I’m honest, I don’t care. My body aches for more, for him to venture higher, to soothe a fire that threatens to burn me from the inside out.

His teeth nip into my throat, his tongue flicking over my rapid, racing pulse, full of unspoken promises and desires. Telling me his mimic my own.

Fuck, I’ve dreamed of this moment. Of feeling him so close… Nothing could ever compare to reality.

Even in his weakened state, I feel like a lamb pinned beneath a predator’s gaze, knowing every second that ticks by could be my last. Not caring… Onlycraving it. My movements become hurried, the need taking over, demandingmore. Every touch, every breath, and every beat of my heart isn’t enough—not even close.

My heart pounds in my chest, echoing in my ears—in my bones—as anticipation coursing through me. Asmo stands between my legs, his body flush with mine, his lips trailing down the column of my throat. Strong fingers flex, squeeze, and bite into my thighs, like he’s suppressing the urge to let them travel higher, to seek out what we both need.

A soft moan slips from my lips as he presses a kiss to the hollowed space at the base at the base of my throat, a shiver making my back bow into him. His amber eyes flick up to meet mine, like he’s seeking silent permission, and I let out a shaky exhale. My fingers dive into the blue-black waves of his hair, his hand teasing the inside of my thigh.

I press my hips forward, urging him higher, needing those glorious fingers to see how deep my need runs for him, how wet I’ve become at the mere thought of him exploring that forbidden part of me. The coolness of his rings contrasts with the warmthof his touch, and despite how much I ache for him to move, how much I've made it known, he doesn’t.

His dark amber gaze searches mine with an intensity that leaves me breathless. "Should I stop?" he asks, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Gods,” I breathe, my hands cupping his face and dragging it toward me. “Please,pleasedon’t stop" His mouth crushes to mine in a fury, and my fingers delve into his hair, fisting the strands at the base of his neck, demanding him to stay here, stay close to me.

His tongue dances with mine as I open for him, and I am too lost in the sensation to think clearly. I’m too consumed by the sweet taste of him, the scent of nightshade on his skin, the sounds of our ragged breathing filling the air.

My thoughts are drowned out in a whirlwind of desire, fear, and something deeper that I can't quite name. He’s an elixir that can cure everything I’ve needed, ever wanted, and I can't help but be swept up in its magic. The world has narrowed down to this moment, the idea of war coming, of the queen knowing my secret, long lost to the ether.



“I’ve never heard anelf beg before,” I say against her lips, wrapping the long dark locks of her hair around my hand and pulling her head back, putting her beautiful, delicate throat at my mercy. “Our world must’ve frozen over if we’ve seen the day that an elfbegsa demon for pleasure.”

Narrowing my eyes, I wonder if I’m being played. With my other hand, I swipe the tip of my index figure around the shell of her pointed ear, feeling her body relax into me. “Those pointy ears don’t come off, do they?”

“No,” she half moans when I do it again.
