Page 9 of The Devil's Angel

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“Uhm . . . when did you come in?” I whisper, trying to back up, but there is nowhere to go. I am trapped between the man on the couch and his grand piano.

“I came in a while ago, but you were playing so beautifully, I didn’t want to interrupt you,” he replies, but he doesn’t move a muscle. I can read the tension in his eyes and in the way his jaw is clenched.

“Right . . . I . . . uhm, I guess I will go to bed now.”

“Don’t move!” It’s not a request, and I don’t take it as one. “Sit back down.”

I drop back to the bench, but instead of facing the piano, I am facing him. My heart is racing so fast, I bet he can hear it from his place on the couch. “Luca . . .”

“You know why I had to leave you earlier, right?” he says, his face blank.

“You said—”

“Forget what I said,” he grinds out roughly, his voice deeper than it had been earlier. “I had to leave before I gave into my desire to bend you over the piano and fuck you senseless.”

Oh God.

My cheeks flush deeper at his words, and I break our eye contact. “Luca . . .”

“You have to know the things you do to me, Katya, don’t you?” I spy his hand on his lap, and I follow it to the massive bulge in his pants. “Or else you wouldn’t have stayed up late and come out here . . . dressed like that.”

I cross my legs and draw my robe tighter around me. I didn’t have anything else to put on, but I don’t think Luca will care to hear my reason. “I—”

“I tried to stay away,” he says hoarsely. “But like a siren, your presence kept calling me back.”

I shouldn’t like that as much as I do. My skin feels like it’s burning, and it’s all I can do to keep myself rooted to the bench. “Luca, I . . .”

“Drop the robe, princess,” Luca demands gruffly, and my eyes shoot over to him in shock, but he seems serious. “You have until I count to five to make up your mind. Run to your room, little girl . . . Once I have my hands on you, you’re mine.”

I chew my lips as I mull over his options, but I don’t really have a choice. Despite knowing who Luca is, I want this man and whatever attention he’s willing to give me, but . . . to get naked for him?

I have never stripped for a man before. The reminder of my own inexperience presses down on me like a weight on my shoulders.


My breath catches in my throat when he starts slowly stalking toward me like a lion on the hunt. My entire body heats, just as it did when he cornered me at the club. If anything, my body’s reaction is stronger this time, my fingers trembling with the compulsion to give in to this man’s desire.


Luca is perfect in every sense of the word with the body of a Roman god and a face meant to draw women to temptation, but . . .


Can I really do this? Luca is my father’s enemy and that’s really all I know about the man. Letting him have me would be a betrayal to my family.

But do I even own my family my loyalty? Hadn’t they betrayed me first?


I should get up and leave. Run to my room and pretend this never happened.


With my heart in my throat, I tug at the ties, and the robe slips open to reveal my beaded nipples and drenched folds. Myfingers are shaky as I slip the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor, leaving me completely bare to Luca’s heated gaze.

“I . . . I’ll stay,” I whisper shyly, watching his features harden as he runs his eyes over me, leaving a tingling sensation on every spot his gaze touches.

“Sit on the bench and part your legs for me, princess” he commands, palming the massive bulge in his pants. “Show me that wet pussy.”
