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Luca shows me his middle finger before he turns around and walks away. Is he . . . whistling? Goddamn, love really has changed him. I shake my head at the absurdity of it and leave. If Luca says he’ll have an answer for me, then I trust that he will.

I still need to figure out what happened to the funds Matt left his daughter, but I have other connections from my fighting days who can dig up that information for me. Right now, I need to see Mila and assure myself that she is unharmed. This afternoon was the first time I’ve let her out of my sight since she ran into me at the gym last night, and I’m anxious to get my eyes back on my girl.

I check my wristwatch and notice that it’s only a few minutes to four. Mila mentioned I could pick her up at the library, and although I was reluctant to let her go, she assured me she was safe at school. I didn’t want to take chances with her safety though, so I got her a new phone to call me in case Dennis or someone else showed up looking for her.

When I pull up at the library, it’s half past four, and my chest tugs painfully when I find Mila already waiting for me. She’s seated on the steps of the library reading a textbook, and I take the time to ogle her. She is dressed in a little yellow sundress that was among the clothes and other necessities I’d bought her a couple days ago. It complements her porcelain skin and dark hair beautifully.

Fuck, I can practically see myself wrapping her hair in a fist before pushing her face down over the hood of my car. It would be so easy to raise her little dress, tear down her panties, and plunge my cock into her tight little pussy.

The memory of her taste only works to feed into my fantasy of claiming this girl in front of everyone so they know to whom she belongs.

With her jacket and bag resting by her side, my pixie focuses on her book, oblivious to all the stares she’s attracting from the men seated on the steps and those walking past her. When one stops to speak to her, I figure that’s my cue to get my girl.

I climb out of the car and walk to her. She doesn’t notice me approach, too busy frowning at the college kid talking to her. She looks uncomfortable talking to the guy, who is no doubt hitting on her, but I resist the urge to storm over to them in case I lose control and break the kid's jaw or something.

“Mila,” I call out to her, and her head whips up, her frown quickly transforming into a bright smile when she notices me only a few feet away.

“Gunner, you came!” She beams, snapping her books closed as she hurriedly picks up her stuff and rushes to me, the college kid completely forgotten. Mila launches herself into my arms, books and all.

“I told you I would pick you up.” I wrap an arm around her, catching her bag before it falls to the ground. “I missed you, pixie.”

Mila draws back from the embrace, her pretty chocolate eyes peering up at me curiously. “You did?”

I nod, gesturing for her to walk to the car. She takes me by surprise when she slips her hand into mine, oblivious to the stares we’re drawing from people. I bet most of them are wondering how a scarred motherfucker like me could land himself someone as beautiful and precious as Mila.

My pixie excitedly tells me all about her day as we walk to the car, but soon, my attention is stolen by a lone man standing next to a beater car several spots over. He is dressed in dirty blue jeans and a worn red plaid shirt and he’s staring directly at us.

Mila hasn’t noticed him yet, and I don’t want to ruin her excitement, so I quickly usher her into my car. I open the passenger door for her, slapping her ass when she turns to climb in.

“Gunner!” she gasps, and I catch her flushed face before I shut the door behind her. I walk around to my side, but I don’t immediately climb in, choosing instead to lean against the car with my arms folded over my chest and stare down the creep.

I don’t have to ask Mila to know that this is her stepfather, and as much as I would love to walk over there and kick the scrawny man’s ass, I don’t want to cause trouble outside of Mila’s college. I stand my ground, staring at the man until he gets into his car and drives away.

“What were you doing?” Mila asks when I finally climb into the car.

“Thinking about your tight little ass and willing my erection to go down.” I rasp, running my gaze over her flushed face, down to her tits, and back to her beautiful eyes.

“Gunner, you can’t say that,” she whispers, biting into her lower lip, the move making my cock jerk in my pants. Fuck, the things this girl does to me.

“You drive me crazy, baby,” I say, pulling from the curb. “Just one look at you is enough to send dirty thoughts to my head.”

Tense seconds tick by. “What kind of dirty thoughts?”

“The kind that involve you bent over the hood of my car,” I say, reaching over and sliding my hand up between her thighs. “The kind that involve me fucking you in that library you just left, hand cupping your mouth so you don’t make a sound as I thrust my fat cock into your tight little pussy.”

“Gunner,” she whimpers, her head falling back against her seat when I brush my finger against her sodden panties.

“You’re so wet,” I rasp, keeping my eyes on the road as I hook my finger into the strap of her panties, and she lifts her hips as Itug them down enough to give me access to her damp sex. “I’ve barely touched you, and your pussy is already leaking.”

“I . . . Oh God!” she cries, slapping her hand on the center console when I drag my middle finger through her folds. I bring the finger to my mouth and taste her sweet and salty cream.

“I am going to fuck you the second we get home,” I promise, slipping my hand back between her thighs and rubbing her clit as I navigate traffic with the other. Her hips writhe and she makes broken noises as I stroke her sensitive nub.

We stop at a light, and I turn to find her face flushed, eyes glazed over as her hips ride my finger a little too eagerly. My cock is already pulsing with the need to be inside of her, and with her taste floating in my mouth, I’m barely hanging on to my control, but nothing is going to stop me from having Mila.


“Gunner . . . Want more. Want you,” she moans deliriously, oblivious to the fact that we are still at the light, surrounded by other cars on all sides.
