Page 122 of Together We Reign

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Echoes of people agreeing, muttering that they understand, fills my ear so loudly, I can’t help but wince. Bree chuckles once everyone calms down. “Then let’s get this show on the road. Evan and Teigan, off you go. The rest of us will move on Kellan’s command.”

As soon as I’ve finished repeating the instruction to Teigan, I reach out my hand to her. She takes it willingly, lacing our fingers together. I pull her in close, pressing a kiss to her lips. “We’ve got this,” I remind her, before placing another kiss on her temple.

“Remember, there’s nobody out there but us, Evan. Everything you tell me to do is consensual. When you degrade and humiliate me, it’s because I want you to. Nothing will change between us. Okay?” She squeezes my hand, looking up at me with her big beautiful grey eyes.

How did I get so fucking lucky?

“Okay. Come on then, little slut, let’s go put on a show,” I say playfully, swatting her ass with my hand as she walks in front of me. She yelps before laughing, giving me that gorgeous smile that melts my heart.

As soon as we are in the corridor, she quickly falls into step behind me, and we both transform into the roles we’re playing. I hold my head high, pulling my shoulders back as I straighten my tie before smoothing out my suit jacket. I make sure my ever present scowl is on my face, alongside the air of superiority I’ve perfected, thanks to years of being around Father.

Tee changes too. Her shoulders drop, her head falls forward, and her eyes remain downcast. She moves her hands to clasp in front of her, presenting the image of the perfect submissive she’s supposed to be.

Once we’re at the side of the stage, The Sheriff comes over to meet us. He rakes his gaze over Teigan again, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from clawing those eyes out. “She’s a bit overdressed, isn’t she?”

I glare at him so hard, he’d be six feet under if the phrase ‘if looks could kill’ was true. “Do not tell me how to dress my slut. I will remove her clothes when I see fit,” I snap harshly, causing The Sheriff to startle.

“Of course,” he replies through gritted teeth, looking like he’s moments away from hitting me, too.

Oh, I wish he fucking would. Any excuse to take this asshole out.

Kellan, who is clearly watching the whole thing, whispers into my ear. “Keep calm, Evan. Don’t provoke him. Everyone is ready to go.”

I take a deep breath, and focus my attention on Teigan, who is doing a much better job of remaining calm than I am. I watch the slow rise and fall of her chest, and realise she’s counting her breaths the way she always does when she’s nervous. I do the same until we’re matching.

I’m finally starting to calm down when The Sheriff interrupts me. “I’m going to introduce you, and then it’s show time.”

I don’t bother giving him a reply, and as he speaks directly to the perverts in the audience, I move closer to Teigan. “You ready?”

“Always,” she whispers in return.

“Please welcome, Mr Doughty, and his slut, Teigan,” shouts The Sheriff, and the room floods with applause.

I try to block out all the noise as I walk onto the stage. Thankfully, the spotlights directly above are so bright, I can’t see any of the audience. It makes it easier for me to ignore them, even as I address them directly.

Teigan is waiting in the wings, just like we practised. “I’m sure many of you will remember Teigan from when she was last here. She was feisty, uncontrollable, and untrained. She’s been my property for the last two months, and in that time, I’ve managed to break her and train her into the perfect little sex slave. This will be our one and only performance, so we will be sure to make it memorable for you,” I say, trying to keep the smile from my face as I think about how fucking memorable it will be.

I can’t wait to see the look on each person’s face when they realise that buying a ticket to this event was the dumbest mistake they’ve ever made.

“Slut! Get over here now and present yourself!” I shout.

Teigan strides onto the stage, the clipping of her high heels echoing around the room. Although she keeps her head down, her eyes tracking the floor, she holds her back straight and her tits out, giving her an air of confidence I didn’t expect to see.

As soon as she reaches my side, she drops to her knees and gets into her submissive position. The audience bursts into a round of applause, and as the noise fills the room, I hear Kellan’s voice in my ear.

“All teams are go. Execute. Execute. Now!”

I let out a sigh of relief as the plan gets underway. I reach down and rest my hand on Tee’s shoulder, tapping my finger three times to let her know the plan has started.

“Stand, slut. I want you to slowly strip off your clothes, giving everyone here a show,” I command, biting my lip as the words tumble out.

As much as I hate the idea of Tee taking her clothes off in front of these sick fuckers, she was quick to remind me that it’s nothing they’ve not seen before. If anything, since she will be keeping her underwear on, it’s actually less. And doing a slow,sexy dance is the perfect way to keep the crowd entertained, whilst dragging out the show as long as possible.

Begrudgingly, I agreed. Although, I have to confess; the time spent with Teigan practising the routine was hardly a challenge. In fact, getting private lap dances off my girl may just be one of my new favourite pastimes.

So when she brings over a chair for me to sit on, I block out the audience and pretend this is just another dance at home between the two of us. The music starts, thanks to Kellan, and Teigan begins her sexy dance. Her hips sway rhythmically, as she slowly entices, not just me, but the audience too.

She takes her time, making every movement even more deliberate and sultry than normal. She only has her dress to remove, so she delays it as long as she can. She makes a big deal each time she slips it down her body just an inch, dancing a little more in between.

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