Page 134 of Together We Reign

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Even though Mia made it clear she’s not part of the meeting, given she’s only a few chairs away, it’s impossible not to haveoverheard. Obviously she’s heard something that has affected her, as she turns to address the group.

“Give the girl a chance, please. I don’t know what she’s been through, but I suspect her story is very similar to mine. As someone who was abused horrifically by the people who were supposed to love me the most, I can relate to wanting a new life, to wanting to be free. Don’t suspect her because she’s willing to turn on her family. Sometimes, that’s the only option people have. Not every family is like yours,” Mia says, as she stands up and begins to pace around.

After a few seconds, she lets out a hiss, stopping her pacing to wrap her arms around her bump. Her eyes crinkle shut as her face turns red. “Ahh,” she groans, and everyone in the room leaps to their feet, including Kellan.

Before any of us can reach her, a splash of water hits the ground, and we all freeze. Mia looks down, her eyes filled with panic. Kellan reaches her side, wrapping one arm around her shoulder for support, as he places his other hand on her bump.

A big smile crosses Mia’s lips, but her eyes look wide and startled. “I think my water just broke,” she says, looking down at the pool of fluid collecting at her feet.

“I’ll get a nurse,” shouts Kian, as he rushes out of the room.

Kellan looks stunned, like he’s not sure if he should smile or be terrified. “I think your water has broken,” he repeats almost comically.

“We’re going to have a baby,” Mia says with awe.

“Now?!” Kellan asks, his voice rising as he looks around, finally coming back into the present. “It can’t be now. It’s too early.”

“I’m thirty-six weeks pregnant, Kel. It’s maybe a week or two early, but it’s very safe for babies to be born now,” Mia replies reassuringly, but Kellan still looks unsure.

Bree walks over to Kellan’s side and places her hand on his arm. He looks over at her, complete devastation on his face. “You can do this, Kel. Liam will be here when you get back. He will want to meet his little niece or nephew.”

A small tear slides down Bree’s cheeks as she speaks, and Kellan’s eyes glisten as he tries to blink them away. “I don’t know if I can do this without him,” he says, so quietly it’s only audible to the people closest.

“You can,” Bree says firmly, before tilting her head towards her best friend. “You have to look after Mia.”

At Bree’s words, he turns to look at Mia, who seems to be trying to control her breathing, a thin layer of sweat dusting her forehead. “I understand if you want to be here,” she says to Kel.

He shakes his head firmly, and as he does, the vacant expression in his eyes lifts. He pulls his shoulders back and seems to stand a little taller. “Like I’d ever miss this. Come on, Flower. Let’s go and have a baby.”

There’s a round of cheers from everyone in the room, as the darkness that’s consumed this small waiting room for the last couple of hours lifts just a little, allowing a bit of joy to shine through. I almost feel guilty for having a moment of happiness, when I should be worrying about Evan.

Kel turns to Hallie, who is in Von’s arms. She’s awake but looking very sleepy still, a small frown on her face as she looks at her dad. Kellan walks over to her and presses a soft kiss to her forehead before he looks at Von. “Are you okay to keep an eye on her for me? The others will help if you need them.”

Von reaches out and places her hand on Kellan’s cheek as a bright smile crosses her face. “Of course, I will look after her. I’ve told you this before, Kellan. You are just as much my son as the others, which makes Hallie my granddaughter. I love her just as much as I do you. Now, go and bring me another grandbaby to love.”

She leans over and places a kiss on Kellan’s cheek, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look as happy as he does right now. Until Hallie slaps her little pudgy hand against his cheek. “Daddy. Bring me a baby brother. No sister!” she snaps, with a firm nod of her head, looking completely serious.

“Hallie Bear, I’ve told you, we don’t get to pick whether it’s a boy or a girl. Why don’t you want a sister?” he asks, looking a little confused, although it’s not the first time over the last few weeks she’s made her preferences known from what Mia was telling me.

“I like Nate. I love Unca Lee. I no like other ickle girls.” She puts her hand on her hip, looking completely serious, as she points to where Nate is sleeping in Shane’s arms.

Kellan rolls his eyes, though I don’t miss the way he flinches at her mention of Liam, or the way Hallie’s brow furrows when she looks for him but can’t find him.

“Auntie McKenna and Uncle Finn are going to have two baby girls soon. And you like Esme,” Kellan replies.

Hallie seems to consider that for a moment, but then shakes her head. “I only ickle girl. Stay like that.”

I can’t help but chuckle at her stubbornness, and the way she crinkles her nose reminds me so much of Evan when he’s sulking that my heart aches.

Before Kellan’s able to retort, Mia lets out a cry as another contraction hits her, sounding more painful than before. Kellan grabs hold of her for support as the door swings open, and a very hectic looking Kian runs in with a wheelchair.

A nurse, looking incredibly cool and calm, saunters in behind him. “I hear we’re having a baby,” she says, looking between both Mia and McKenna.

McKenna points over at Mia, who is gasping for breath. “My twins are staying inside for another few weeks at least,” she says adamantly, and the nurse smiles with a nod.

As Mia gets settled into the wheelchair, Kellan turns towards me. He grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. “He will be alright. I know it. Keep me updated, please.”

I nod my head, and wish them both well as the nurse wheels Mia out of the room, Kellan following behind. He looks much calmer than before, but there’s still a nervous tension to him as he flicks his gaze back to his family in the waiting room.
