Page 144 of Together We Reign

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“But your family home is in Ireland. Your whole life is over there,” she says, just as I pull the car into the drive outside of the cottage.

I cut the engine, and after unfastening my seatbelt, I turn in my seat until I’m facing Teigan. She unclips her seatbelt and does the same. I reach over and cup her cheek in my palm, loving the way she leans into my touch.

“My whole life is right in front of me, Angel. You are all I’ve ever wanted, and as long as you’re by my side, I don’t give a shit where we live. I have no real ties in Ireland anymore, but I do have things to keep me here, and so do you. We can buy abig house together, settle down, and start our future together. If that’s what you want?” I ask, my heart racing a million miles a minute as I wait for her to respond.

Even though I’m almost ninety-nine percent sure she’s going to say she wants that future with me, there will always be a niggling bit of doubt. The part of me that thinks I’m not good enough, or that she can do better.

Thankfully, Teigan loves me just as much as I love her, and her bright smile tells me everything I need to know. “Yes, I want to do that. I want to get a house outside of London, and live there with you. I want to work for Bree, helping victims of sexual abuse and sexual slavery. I think I can make a real difference, Ev,” she says, her voice thick with emotion as her eyes begin to mist.

“I know you can make a real difference. It’s perfect for you, and you’re perfect for me.”

I lean forward and capture her lips with mine. It’s passionate and searing, showing each other all the things that are unsaid. But as Tee pulls away, her eyes flick down to her hands and she shuffles nervously.

“Are you sure you want this with me, Evan? I know we’ve talked about it before, but I just don’t want us to do this and in the future, you resent me because I can’t give you kids. I can’t give you an heir.”

This is a topic of discussion that’s come up a couple of times. No matter how much I tell her that it doesn’t bother me, there’s a niggling bit of doubt that sits in the back of her mind. Every so often, the doubt wins over the logical side of her brain, and she offers me the chance to walk away.

“I’ve told you this a million times, I don’t need to have kids. But I do need you. There’s no version of my world that doesn’t have you in it. If, in the future, we decide we want kids, thenthere are so many unwanted children that we could give a great home to.

“But honestly, I don’t think we need kids to complete our lives. We can go on holiday any time we want. We will have more than enough money because our kids won’t have drained us. We can stay in bed until lunchtime on a Sunday.

“More than that, I’ll never have to share you with anyone else, and that’s perfect for me. We can stick with being the cool aunt and uncle, who gives the kids back when they become too fucking annoying,” I joke, and Teigan chuckles along with me.

“But seriously, kids have always been a maybe for me. Whereas you… That’s something I’ve always been certain about. You are my whole world, Teigan, and I’ll never live without you again. I love you so fucking much, Angel. Don’t ever doubt that.”

This time when I press my lips against hers, I devour her mouth, showing her exactly how much I mean what I say. I don’t care if it’s just us for the rest of our lives. As long as I have Teigan, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything,

“You sound like you know exactly what you want,” she jokes when we finally break apart.

I tilt my head, a cocky smirk spreading across my face. “There is one thing I want that I don’t have…”

“What’s that?” she asks.

“Well…actually, it’s more something you don’t have,” I reply cryptically.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t have my last name, and I want you to.” Her eyes widen comically, and she’s frozen in shock. “This isn’t me asking you to marry me, as I can do a much better proposal than this. And there’s no way I’m sharing the limelight of my proposal with that prick, Kian. So I will wait. But when I do ask, you better be ready to say yes…like a good girl,” I say with a cheeky wink.

A smile spreads across her face as her grey eyes sparkle. “I think we need to go inside right now, so I can show you how much of a good girl I can be,” she replies, opening the car door as she motions for me to follow her into the house.

I practically fucking run behind her. I’d follow her anywhere, but it’s been far too fucking long since I’ve taken my girl, and I’m done waiting.

As soon as we get inside, I slam the front door closed and spin Teigan around until she’s pinned against it, my body pressing into her. I slam my lips down onto hers, tasting her on my tongue as we battle for dominance.

Our hands explore each other’s bodies frantically, having been unable to touch for so long. Once my hands reach Tee’s ass, she jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist. She rocks her hips against my hardening length and her lips swallow my groan.

Keeping a tight hold on my girl, I walk backwards until we’re in the living room. As we reach the sofa, I lower her feet to the floor, before I waste no time peeling her clothes off, as she does the same with mine.

Where we’d normally take our time and savour the moment, this is anything but that. Instead, our movements are frantic and desperate, as we can finally be together in the way we crave.

“I’ve missed you so fucking much, Tee,” I mutter, as I press kisses along her throat, down to her clavicle.

Once her clothes are off, I take a moment to drag my gaze over her perfect body, taking in the sinful curves that cause my cock to twitch in excitement. Tee runs her fingers over my abs, her hungry gaze dropping lower as she pulls off my boxers.

“I’ve been right here,” she says, as she reaches out and palms my hard cock.

“You know what I mean, Angel. I’ve missed you touching me like this. I’ve missed your taste. I’ve missed watching you comeon my cock,” I growl, as she slowly drags her hand along my length, twisting her thumb over my piercing in a way that makes my balls tense.
