Page 46 of Together We Reign

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“If you do this, you will make me your enemy. And I can assure you…you don’t want a man like me as your enemy,” he snarls.

Using my free arm, I grip the hand that’s holding onto mine, ripping it off none too delicately, as I fix him with a hard glare. “I think you will find it is you who doesn’t want me as your enemy. My sister-in-law, Bree Doughty, has already vowed to tear down The Aristocracy one leader at a time, and I’m going to make sure I help her by taking care of you.”

The threat rings loudly in the air between us, and he looks almost shocked that I would mention Bree. The Sheriff was so consumed by making as much money from the auction as he can, he willingly let a viper into his house. Now we have all the information we need to start bringing him down, The Baron, along with him.

As that realisation occurs to the man before me, a blank mask seems to descend over his face, replacing his shock and disgust. “You have no idea who you are dealing with,” he says, his voice low. He attempts to sound dangerous, but I hear the way he quivers slightly.

I let out a loud laugh. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with. Bree is a force to be reckoned with. She could deal with you on her own, but she isn’t alone. She’s family, and Doughtys look out for their own.”

Without waiting for a response, I walk over to where Dec is standing. I can hear my family all talking at once in my ear, but it’s Dec who silences them. “If you’re going to all talk at once, turn the fucking comms off. You’re giving me a migraine.”

“Sorry,” Bree says, as all the others go silent. “I’m proud of you, Evan.”

I’m glad nobody can see me, as I’m sure a blush is spreading across my cheeks. I keep my face neutral as I reach Dec. Before I can say anything, The Sheriff appears with Teigan, Esme, and Lilly by his side. All the girls have their eyes downcast, and they’re following behind him a couple of steps. I notice Tee is holding hands with the two other girls, like they’re all supporting each other.

I guess, in this world, all they have are the other girls who are in the same situation as them, I think, reminding myself—not for the first time—that I can’t even begin to understand what they have been through.

The Sheriff stops in front of us, his eyes fixed on mine. “You know the rules. My assistant will be in touch next week, and I expect you to have all the details of the performance sorted. I will remind you, once again, should you fail to present Teigan for the event, not only will I punish Lilly and use her in Teigan’s place, it also nullifies the contract made tonight. So Teigan will become my property once again, and you will lose all the money you spent on her. Do you understand?”

Teigan lifts her head, her wide grey eyes boring into mine. She nods her head slightly, silently begging me to agree to his terms. She looks over at Lilly, who looks even paler than she did a moment before.

“Fine. But the performance will not take place for two months. I know you said you’d prefer four weeks, but I will need two months to train her properly,” I snap, looking away from Tee as I lie.

“Whatever,” The Sheriff snaps. “You better make sure you put on one hell of a show. If my guests are unhappy, it’s written in the contract that I can intervene to spice things up a bit… If youaren’t capable, that is.” His eyes sparkle as he wags his brows, challenging me.

I roll my eyes, not interested in competing in a pissing match right now. The only thing I want to do is get Tee the hell out of here.

“Just tell me what we need to do so we can leave this fucking cesspool,” I snap.

After directing us over to his assistant, and completing far too much paperwork, the time comes for us to finally leave. Teigan turns to Lilly to say goodbye, but The Sheriff begins to pull her away. I place my hand firmly on his shoulder, making it clear he needs to let the girls say their goodbyes. He’s obviously not happy, but he doesn’t challenge me.

With tears in their eyes, the two girls part ways. Just as Tee joins my side, she leans over and whispers in Lilly’s ear. She’s close enough for me to hear, but far enough that nobody else can. “No matter what happens, I will come back for you. I will save all of you,” Tee promises, and the tears in Lilly’s eyes start to fall.

With a sad expression on her face, her eyes glistening, Teigan turns to me. “We can leave now.”

Never have I been so pleased to hear that. With Teigan by my side, a strange sense of peace descends that I’ve not felt in a long time. I’m sure it’s just the fact I’ve managed to get her out of this shitshow, and nothing more. I hate the way my heart beats faster for her.

As I follow Evan to the car, I'm so confused by the barrage of emotions that are fizzling through my body at the moment. The relief at finally being away from The Sheriff is overwhelming, and I can take a proper breath again for the first time in forever.

But the sadness and worry over leaving Lilly and the other girls behind is eating away at me. I know I shouldn’t be, but I almost feel guilty that I’m free and they aren’t.

But are you free?I keep asking myself.

Evan bought me—for a fucking ridiculous amount! But he still purchased me, all the same. I have no idea what his motivations are, or if I’m walking into another cage. Each time I try to cast a discreet glance his way, I’m reminded that I don’t really know the man beside me. I used to believe he’d never hurt me, but he did… So I don’t know what he’s capable of now.

As Esme squeezes my hand, silent tears rolling down her face, my heart aches. This sweet little girl looks terrified, and I want more than anything to reassure her, to tell her everything is going to be alright—but I don’t know that. I refuse to lie to her.

I drag my gaze away from Evan and look over at the man with him. He’s just as tall and lean as Ev, with a few less muscles. They’re both dressed impeccably in suits with shiny shoes, looking every bit as dangerous as I’m sure they are. The man has a short black beard and wears his hair a little longer than Evan.

Even though I can’t see his eyes clearly, both he and Evan are wearing matching brooding expressions. They both look solemn—not at all like they just won their auctions.

I clear my throat, hoping to grab their attention. Both men turn abruptly to face me, matching piercing expressions lock onto me in a way that makes me feel very vulnerable. I pull myself up a bit taller, not wanting either of them to think I’m weak.

“Sorry, can I ask who you are?” I direct my question to the other man, before tilting my head towards Esme. “Esme is clearly terrified, and it would be nice if we didn’t traumatise her any further.”

Whilst the stranger looks at me appraisingly, the side of Evan’s lip tips up into the hint of a smile at my sarcasm. “I’m Declan.”

When Declan doesn’t say anything further, I shake my head before looking over at Evan, tilting it towards Esme, silently asking him to help her. He lets out a sigh. “Esme…my name is Evan, and this is Dec. I know you’ve been through a lot, and this is probably really scary for you, but I promise, you aren’t in danger with us.”

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