Page 140 of Devious Vow

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It’s a photocopy of a letter, but it’s not written to me.

It’s to Luca Carveli, Massimo’s father.

Dear Mr. Carveli,

In the age of mobile phones and email, I know this may seem outdated. But, like you, I am an old-fashioned man, and I consider important matters deserving of the respect of a hand-written letter.

While you and I have not always seen eye-to-eye, and indeed, have at times been enemies, I’ve always respected you as a man of business. We are both old-school fighters trying to carve a place in this modern world for our children and their children. Yes, we have had our differences, and bloodshed between us. But business is business, and you have, at least to me, always conducted yourself with honor.

I want to thank you again for your condolences when my first wife passed. And I hope you know I grieved for you when your son died.

I stiffen, staring at the words.

When your son died.

What? Massimo is, unfortunately, still walking amongst us. He’s also an only child.

My eyes dip back to my father’s immaculate penmanship.

I cannot imagine a loss like that, and please know I held you in my thoughts and prayers during that trying time.

Now, regarding your proposal. I have given the matter much thought, and I agree there are many benefits both our organizations could reap from such an arrangement. However, I have always cherished the hope that my daughters would be able to choose their own destiny in life and would not be forced into the sort of arrangements that men like you and I were expected to enter into in our youth.

To that end, and with my most sincere apologies, I cannot agree to your proposal that my younger daughter, Eloise, marry your younger son, Massimo.

I hope that you know this letter comes to you with my most sincere respect and admiration.

Best regards,

Andre LeBlanc

The letter, like the will, is dated three days before my father’s coma.

What. The. Fuck.



“You’re sure?”

“Positive,” Taylor says icily. “They’re both locked out of anything and everything at the office. I even had their keycards for the lobby deactivated.”

Charles is going to raise hell when he realizes we’ve shut him and Caroline out of Crown and Black. But with these allegations that he’s involved in the hit on Roberto?

Yeah, no fucking way does he get to stick his nose in our business. Not until we figure out what to do next. Before that, though, I have to get through this fucking dinner with Massimo, and Gabriel has to drop the bomb on Judge Hawkins and get the Chinellato case shut down.

“What about the board members loyal to Charles?”

Taylor sighs. “No. We can duke it out with Charles and Caroline whether or not we have the right to lock them out, but if we start clamping down on everyone on the board who disagrees with us, it’ll look bad, and give Charles the ammo he’d need to turn all of them against us.”

I hate that she’s right. But she is right.

“I’m having IT monitor any data access from board members, though. We can individually shadow-block them from certain files if it looks like they’re snooping for Charles.”

“Good idea. Thanks, Taylor.”

She exhales. “Any update on Roberto?”
