Page 125 of Poisonous Kiss

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Then it’s just one, and my heart drops through the floor.

Just one Crown and Black cell phone was at Salvatore Avella’s exact address the night he was killed.

Holy fucking God.


Gabriel, who was lead prosecutor on that case and was livid when Salvatore walked. Gabriel, who was also lead on Dwayne Halbertson’s case. Gabriel, who I’m now sure was the guy at Dwayne’s apartment the night I followed him. Gabriel, who went out last night without much explanation and then returned near the crack of dawn, on the very night Dwayne was killed.

Oh my God.


“What say we blow off work and?—”

I almost jump out of my skin when I hear his voice. I whirl, my face still white, my eyes wide.

Instantly, my heart turns to ice.

Because Gabriel’s looking past me, right at the screen of my laptop, which has Dwayne and Salvatore’s files and articles about their deaths open, as well as GPS maps with cell phone data.

“What are you doing.”

My mouth goes bone dry. I stare at him in horror, almost unable to form words.


“N-nothing,” I choke.

He pulls his gaze past me again. When his brow furrows, and a vein begins to throb in his neck, my legs shake.

“Why are you?—”

Suddenly, it clicks for him. Suddenly, I see it, as his mask falls away. Darkness throbs in his eyes as they narrow like twin blades on the screen behind me.

Slowly, his gaze drags back to mine.

“Fumi,” he growls quietly. “You need to listen to me. It’s not?—”

“What,” I whisper in a choked, weak voice. “It’s not what, Gabriel? What it looks like?”

“Let’s have this conversation somewhere else?—”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He shuts my office door behind him. My pulse vaults through the fucking roof as naked fear stabs into me.


“Fumi, I need you to listen to me?—”

“Open the door,” I whisper.

His jaw grinds. “You know what Dwayne was. You know what fucking Salvatore was!” His teeth are bared as his lips curl. “They were fucking monsters, Fumi! Worse, they were monsters that justice turned a blind eye?—”

“Tell me it wasn’t you,” I breathe. My eyes plead with him as my face numbs. “Gabriel?—”

