Page 134 of Mafia Target

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His mouth was slack with pleasure, his expression a portrait of lust and desperation. I loved watching him like this. Driving him out of his mind was a high like nothing else.

I stroked his crown, rubbing the underside, and he tensed. “Giulio,” he gasped.

My mobile rang over on the island. I let it go unanswered as I bit Alessio’s shoulder, my hand continuing to work him slowly.

“Cristo santo,” he whispered. “Just like that, principe.”

My phone sounded again. I glanced at it, considering whether I should answer.

“Do not fucking dare,” Alessio growled.

Because I was a sadistic bastard, I released Alessio’s dick. “Stay here. Don’t move and don’t touch yourself.”

“I am going to punch you,” he grumbled as I went to see who was calling.

“I look forward to it.” I checked the name on my phone. Benito. I touched the glass to accept the call. “Pronto.”

“G, you need to come back. Immediately. We have a problem.”

I didn’t want details over the phone, and Benito knew better than to offer them up. So I asked, “Can’t it wait?”

“No. I need you here. Things haven’t gone as planned.”

I stared at Alessio, waiting for me by the sink. Shit. Disappointment crashed through me, but I said into the phone, “I’ll get on the boat and come back as quickly as I can.”

“I’ll send a car to the airport. Just let me know when you’re arriving.”

We rang off and I returned to Alessio’s side. He’d followed my orders, which was so hot. I moved in, but didn’t grab his cock. “I have to go.”

“Fuck, no. Not yet. Let me touch you.” He hitched his jeans up over his erection and turned to me. His eyes were blown with lust, the lids heavy. It was all I could do not to push him to the floor.

I held his face in my palm. “There’s something wrong in Málaga. I have to leave immediately.” With a heavy dose of regret, I stepped away. “Maybe we can revisit this some other time.” I had no idea when, but maybe I could return in the next few weeks, after this emergency was handled.

Alessio buttoned his pants. “I’m coming with you.”

“That’s not necessary. We’ll figure all of this out later.” I was already texting the captain of the boat I’d hired to bring me here. Then I pulled up the contact information for the pilot at the airport on the Isle of Barra.

My phone disappeared from my hand. “Che cazzo?”

Alessio’s fingers wrapped loosely around my throat as he leaned into my face. “Here me now, Giulio. I. Am. Coming. With. You.”

My heart kicked in my chest at his deep growl. I wished I had time for us to work all this anger out in the bedroom, but I didn’t. And I wasn’t sure bringing him with me was wise. “Why?”

“I’m not letting you out of my sight, not until we figure out whatever is happening between us.” He released me and stalked across the floor toward the hall. “And I won’t allow you to get hurt in Málaga. So wherever you go, I go.”



Málaga, Spain

I followed Giulio down the steps of the private plane and onto the tarmac. It was the middle of the night. I slept in my seat during the flight, while Giulio spent the time on his phone, working. In the military we learned to sleep anywhere, anytime, and that had served me well over the years as I trailed my targets.

An SUV waited for us, two men standing guard by the doors. Both of them were wearing guns. One of the men came forward to shake Giulio’s hand. “Sorry to ruin your little vacation, G. I see you brought back a souvenir.”

Giulio gestured to me. “Benito, you remember Alessio.”

I dipped my chin in acknowledgement. Benito did the same. Giulio had already explained Benito’s role here and what the two of them planned to do. I couldn’t believe they had Don Ravazzani’s blessing, but Giulio said his father refused to get involved with the Bratva. So it was decided Giulio would start a mini-Ravazzani empire in Spain.
