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Jake pulled back and tugged his shirt over his head. “Who needs that shit? It only gets in the way. And there’s nothing like the feel of water on your bare dick.”

He stood and unbuttoned his shorts. When he stopped, Micah nearly groaned. Jake had a swimmer’s body, with broad shoulders, firm abs, and a tapered waist. He desperately wanted to see the rest of it.

“You joining me or what, Mi?”

Startled, Micah looked up at Jake. Only his family called him “Mi,” and he never liked it because he felt like he was being laid claim to. Coming from Jake, though…yeah, he liked it a lot.

“Maybe I want to watch before I commit,” Micah said, thankful it was dark enough that Jake couldn’t see his blush.

“A challenge.” Jake grinned. “I like it.” He put his hand back on his waistband and slowly unzipped. “What do you think? Briefs? Boxers?” He teased at the fabric, inching it off his hips. “Or nothing?”

“Boxers. You’re definitely a boxers man.” Micah laughed when Jake huffed out in indignation. “So, not boxers, apparently.” He stared up at Jake, contemplating. “I’m guessing commando.”

“Around you? In public? Not a chance.”

Micah chose to ignore the comment and touched his index finger to his lips like he was thinking. “Since Alex didn’t tell me about your visit, I’m guessing he didn’t tell you anything about tonight either. So I’m going with commando because you didn’t know you’d see me.”

Jake slid his shorts down another inch but left the white waistband of his briefs showing. “Wrong again.”

Micah felt his cock stiffen and moaned softly. “You’re killing me.”

With a wicked grin, Jake pushed both shorts and briefs down his legs and stepped out of them. He stood proudly before Micah, totally unembarrassed about the hard cock that bounced in Micah’s direction.

Even though he’d been out for three years now, Micah hadn’t actually seen another man naked—well, at least not a man he wanted to touch more than he wanted his next breath. He’d seen lots of guys in locker rooms at school and in dressing rooms. Actors were casual about their bodies, and dancers even more so. He’d seen a lot of beautiful men, and he’d seen some very nice cocks, but none made him shiver or caused saliva to pool in his mouth the way Jake’s was right now.

Gorgeous Jake, who was fisting that cock right in front of him, staring at him with those incredible eyes Micah still didn’t know the color of. And now Jake was moving, about to jump from the log.

“Wait!” Micah’s voice echoed over the water, and Jake stilled. Micah’s face heated again. “It’s not deep enough here.”

“And you wanted to look at me.”

Micah nodded, but Jake said, “Say it. You want to look at me.”

Oh God! His face was burning now. He’d told Jake the truth earlier when they’d been talking about the Castro and East Village. He had next to no experience with guys. When the subject came up, he usually lied or embellished the details, but for some reason, he hadn’t been able to do that with Jake and told him the truth. He was a virgin. The only thing he’d ever done was jerk off with another guy his last year at the summer Bible camp his parents sent him to. They hadn’t touched each other’s dicks, just watched each other from across the shower stall. He’d had another jerk-off session in a bathroom at college a week after spring break, but the guy had zipped up and left without even telling Micah his name.

“You have to say it, Mi. Say you want to look at me.”

“I do. I want to look at you.”

Jake grinned. “Do you want to touch me too?”

“Yes. I want to touch you.”

“Will you let me touch you?”

Micah nodded. He’d give anything to feel Jake’s hands on his body. The crazy thing was, he was thinking, Again, please touch me again, as if they’d already been intimate. Crazy because this, right here, Jake touching his cheek, holding his hand, had been their first contact.

“Say it.”

“I want you to touch me.”

Jake leered at him—an expression full of temptation and lust—then ran his tongue along his upper lip. “Get your clothes off,” he said, his voice husky and deep.

Micah stared at him. His heart was beating so loud, he was certain Jake could hear it. “I’ve never…”

“I know.” Jake’s gaze turned gentle, his voice softer. “Do you want my help?”

“Yes. Please.”
