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Jake nudged him toward the dance floor, and Micah went, immediately falling into the rhythm of the music and letting his body take over. Dancing came naturally to him, and as Jake wrapped his larger body around his, Micah followed. He matched Jake’s movements perfectly so there was no space between them, his body bending and twisting to maintain that contact as Jake moved.

They danced for some time, and then, sweaty and out of breath, grabbed a couple of waters from the bar and headed up to the second level, where there was a kind of cabaret. Small tables, already occupied, surrounded a stage, with another bar spanning the width of the room. Since it was standing-room only, Micah and Jake found a spot at the back and leaned against the wall. Jake pulled Micah in front of him and slid his arms around his waist while they watched the show.

Several guys looked their way throughout the performance, and each time one did, Jake stilled. Micah could feel the protectiveness radiating off him, and whether it was his body language or the look in his eyes, the guys turned away. Micah snuggled into his arms and felt Jake’s breath brush over the top of his ear.

Once, he swore he felt Jake’s lips along his neck, and it took all of Micah’s willpower not to react. He wanted to turn so Jake could kiss him, but somehow he knew if he did that, it would ruin things, so he remained facing forward and forced himself to stay calm when Jake did it again.

A new act took the stage, a drag performer in a gorgeous, metallic, strappy evening gown. She was stunning. Full lips, high cheekbones, and impeccable makeup. She was at least six feet tall, and her curls, teased and bleached, were made to look like she’d just spent the day in bed. When she began singing “I’m Every Woman,” the entire room roared with approval, and Micah was right there with them, arms in the air, singing along. The performer strutted onstage, camped for the audience, moved smoothly from one Whitney Houston song to another.

Micah had never seen a drag show in person, and he loved watching the performer, the way she moved and played with the audience, and the way the audience responded. Clearly, she was a favorite, and the crowd adored her. It was everything Micah loved about theater and being on the stage. There was something else too, something that felt…freeing. Micah didn’t have a better word for it. Like the performer was able to show a side of herself that wasn’t available anywhere else. It was something Micah wanted for himself, something he occasionally felt onstage. Or, more accurately, that one time he and the other Godspell actors had been fooling around, performing each other’s roles…

“Enjoying it?” Jake asked, interrupting his thoughts.

“Yeah. Love it, actually.” Micah couldn’t help himself—he leaned up and kissed Jake’s cheek. “Thank you.”

Jake laughed and wrapped his arms tighter around Micah’s waist, resting his chin on Micah’s shoulder. “Ever thought of doing this yourself?”

The question made him go still in Jake’s arms. He’d loved the camp of performing Judy’s “Turn Back, O Man” when the cast was playing around, loved the sultriness of it, the seductive tone and the way she got to strut around the stage and play with the audience. Watching the drag performer reminded him of all that too. Could he ever do something like this?

“N-nooo.” Micah drew the syllable out, which made Jake chuckle.

“I think you’d be hot. Decked out in an evening gown and fake eyelashes, working the crowd. Turning all the guys on.”

Micah turned slightly so he could see Jake’s face. “Is that something…” He took a deep breath. “Is that something you like? I mean, for watching.” He couldn’t imagine Jake in high heels and a silky sheath dress. The thought almost made him giggle, which Jake seemed to know because he grinned.

“You don’t think I’d look good like that?”

Micah wrinkled his nose. “I like you like this.” He touched the side of Jake’s face, fingers playing with the stubble along his jaw.


Jake turned Micah around, and they watched the rest of the set, which closed with a rousing rendition of “Greatest Love of All” with full audience participation. Then they went back to the ground level to dance. It didn’t escape Micah’s notice that he hadn’t exactly answered Jake’s question and that Jake hadn’t pressed him to. He tucked it in the back of his mind to examine later. After half an hour or so, they made their way back to the basement level, where the vibe was much darker, especially in contrast to the cabaret.

There were more guys on the lowest floor than earlier. As much as Jake tried to steer him through the crowd and shield him, hands grabbed Micah’s ass, brushed against his cock. He was pressed against other bodies, felt hard dicks rub against him, simply because of the way everyone was moving together in such tight confines. At first it scared him. It was unfamiliar and felt dangerous, illicit. But then he felt Jake behind him, felt how hard Jake was, and realized he was too. He’d been so focused on everything around him—the lights, the scents of aftershave and cologne and sweat, the loud music, the huffs and groans, the feel of Jake’s hands on him, Jake’s body pressed against his—he hadn’t noticed what his own body was doing. And then he did. And it was amazing. He was anonymous, just a body in a crowd of men exactly like himself.

One of the go-go boys pulled Micah onto his platform and began to gyrate against him. He was about to jump down when he saw Jake in the audience, totally loving it, and let himself move with the music and the dancer.

He almost lost it when the dancer straddled his thigh. This was so far beyond anything he’d ever experienced, but before he had a chance to move, another dancer appeared behind him, hard body plastered against his back. As the two guys began to writhe and thrust against him, Micah turned his head and found Jake again, stared at him, and Jake’s gaze turned hungry, predatory. He was entirely focused on Micah, and Micah on him. Even in the darkness, Micah could see the heavy bulge pressing against Jake’s zipper.

That now familiar connection whispered between them, wrapped itself around Micah, calmed him, and he let go. He got caught up in the movement of the men on either side of him, the feel of his body rubbing against theirs, all three of them hard now. There were soft moans in his ears, and whistles and hoots from the crowd. Their energy fed him, helped him loosen up and move against the two guys, but it was Jake and the intensity of his stare that kept Micah grounded and safe. It let him know Jake wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him, would protect him, so he could enjoy the best night of his life to the fullest. As long as Jake was watching him, everything was perfect.

When the song ended, both guys hugged him. The first told him if he ever wanted a job, he should talk to the manager, and the second patted him on the ass, giving him a wink as they both hopped off the platform and disappeared into the crowd.

Jake came forward and helped Micah down. “That was so fucking hot.”

Micah couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He wrapped his arms around Jake’s neck and practically dragged him back upstairs, where there was more room to actually dance. He hadn’t been drinking, but he felt light, free, almost like he was floating. Looking around the dance floor at all the other guys, the other couples, he couldn’t imagine why he’d kept himself back from this. This world had been right in front of him all along. He went to school in the City, for fuck’s sake. How did he not know? How had he never thought to find out?

He put his hands on Jake’s hips and began to move his body against Jake’s, keeping them in contact, feeling Jake’s cock against his own. He laughed at the shocked expression on Jake’s face, and then again at the dark smolder that replaced it. Jake was responsible for all this, for him feeling this way, and it was glorious.

“Goddamn, Micah,” Jake growled, pulling their bodies closer together, grinding against one another. They were both hard and panting.

“Bathrooms?” Micah shouted in Jake’s ear, then grinned as Jake stopped moving and pulled away from him, dumbfounded.

Jake scanned his face, then grabbed him by the hand and towed him to one of the back corners, down a short corridor, and through a black door that opened into a room lit only by red neon. It was disconcerting as fuck, but Micah didn’t have time to take in any details before Jake was pushing open a bathroom stall, pulling Micah in after him, and closing the door.

Jake pushed him against the stall door, his hands roaming Micah’s body, pulling up his shirt, unzipping his pants. Jake was a whirlwind, tugging impatiently at their clothes until he had their cocks out. They were both slick with precum, but Jake held his hand up to Micah’s mouth and told him to spit, which made Micah laugh because his mouth had gone dry. Jake laughed too, and then harder when he tried to spit and couldn’t either.

“Dudes,” a voice said, and then a packet of lube came through the crack in the door.
