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“No time like the present.”

“Well, be careful you don’t break that thing,” Micah said, nodding at the bulge in Jake’s shorts. “I intend to use it later.” He smirked when Jake’s cock twitched. “For someone who seems to like that idea, you’re sure taking your time finishing your meal.”

“I told you earlier, Mi, good things come to those who wait.”

“I can get a to-go box for you.”

“Naw. I’ll be right back.”

Micah watched Jake saunter off to the restrooms, completely nonchalant about the thick erection straining at his zipper. Micah shook his head. He was so far gone for Jake, it wasn’t even funny. He didn’t want to think about what Alex was going to say when he got back. Then he rolled his eyes at himself. Why was he thinking about Alex when he was going to have sex? Oh shit! He was going to have sex. Like in less than an hour!

Butterflies swarmed his stomach, and he looked at the remaining clam strips in front of Jake’s spot. Sex in less than an hour, unless Jake took his sweet time to finish eating. With a glance toward the restrooms, Micah pulled the basket back to himself and shoved the remaining strips into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed as quickly as he could without choking, and by the time Jake returned to the table, the basket was empty and Micah was staring at the water again.

“What happened to my clams?”

Micah turned, eyes wide. “Don’t know. Seagull maybe? They’re like rats with wings. They’ll eat anything that isn’t nailed down.”

“Uh-huh.” Jake held out his hand. “Come on, Mi, let’s go home.”

Micah stood and interlaced his fingers with Jake’s. He couldn’t help the little thrill that ran through him as they walked to the parking lot as if nothing earthshattering was going to happen when they got back to his house. Tucked in with that thought was the hope that this would become routine for him and Jake: dinner, conversation, time together, sex, all the things that meant being a couple.

* * * * *

Micah knew the drive home should only take about fifteen minutes, but damn, it seemed to go on forever. He was trying to focus on driving, but everything about Jake distracted him. For as much as he was ready—oh fuck, he was so ready—and had been able to tell Jake what he wanted, now that it was only moments away, his nerves kicked in, making him hyperaware of Jake sitting next to him. Every movement Jake made, every breath he took, was filtered through the thought that Micah was about to have sex with him. With Jake. Jake’s cock was going to be inside his body. He was going to come with Jake’s cock inside him. Holy shit!

“You okay there?” Jake’s hand caressed Micah’s neck. When had he put his arm across the back of the seat?

Micah shivered at the gentle touch. “Yeah. Fine.”

“No second thoughts?”



Micah stole a glance at Jake, who was staring out the window at the passing houses. The water was on Micah’s side and far more picturesque, but if Jake looked that way, Micah would be in his line of sight. Did that mean Jake didn’t want to look at him? Why was he jumping to conclusions all of a sudden?

“And you?” Micah asked.

“And me what?”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

At the question, Jake smiled and turned toward him. His fingers traced the lines of Micah’s neck, flirted with the collar of his shirt, the outline of his ear.

“None,” Jake said.


They both chuckled, then gave in to a full-fledged laugh. Yeah, it was probably nervous laughter on Micah’s part, but nerves were nothing to be ashamed of. Hadn’t Jake told him he shouldn’t be ashamed of what he wanted or of enjoying it? He just wanted it to be good for Jake too, wanted Jake to enjoy it. No, he wanted Jake to fucking love it.

“What if I’m a terrible fuck?” Micah asked, then cringed at having asked that out loud. What was it about Jake Fielding that made him give voice to his insecurities and most longed-for desires without a second thought?

“You’re not going to be terrible, Mi, trust me.”

“You’ve been with so many—”

“Hey.” The sternness in Jake’s tone cut him off. His hand stilled on Micah’s neck, and Micah realized he’d crossed a line. “My history is my business, okay?” When Micah nodded, Jake resumed caressing him. “Truth? Sex feels good for me. Even when I’m not really into the guy because he’s ridiculously vapid or something, it still feels good. It’s basic human physiology. Touch a guy’s dick, and it feels good.”
