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Jake laughed. “Lucky guess. Plus, you were saying, ‘So good, Jake, so fucking good,’ every time you fucked into your hand. And it was my pillow you were defiling. Kind of put two and two together.”

Cracking one eye open, Micah was relieved to see Jake’s expression wasn’t one of disgust. “I didn’t know I was saying anything.”

He caught his breath as Jake leaned closer and whispered, “It was fucking hot.”

“Is that…?” Micah opened both eyes. “Would you…? Can I…?”

“Fuck me, Mi?”

When Micah only nodded, Jake chuckled. He was still lying close to Micah, his voice low and dirty in Micah’s ear. “If you can’t say it, you don’t get to do it.”

And before Micah could respond, Jake rolled away from him and got up from the bed.

“Come on, Mi. You got some rehearsing to do today.”


They fell into a rhythm over the next few days. Jake got up at dawn to get his workout done, then came back to Micah’s room to fool around with blowjobs or jerking each other off. After they ate a quick breakfast, they went into the studio for a couple of hours. Micah did his warm-ups while Jake completed his dryland workout, and then Jake watched Micah practice his routine for the drag show. After they showered, they’d either go into the city to sightsee or take the boat out. They spent evenings on the couch, watching movies until they went upstairs to Micah’s room. After Jake caught him masturbating, Micah had largely ceased to be shy or unsure. There were still moments when he hesitated, but once he was turned on, it was a wild ride that culminated in some of the most mind-blowing orgasms Jake had ever had.

All in all, this was turning out to be one of the best weeks of his life. He hoped Alex’s grandparents would extend his visit another few days, but Friday arrived with no word he’d have to stay with Micah longer than anticipated. Barring a last-minute reprieve, this was going to be his final night with the sexy man currently running through his Cabaret number, and Jake wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

As he watched Micah practice, Jake mulled over the fact that although Micah had admitted fantasizing about fucking Jake, he hadn’t brought it up again. To his surprise, he was somewhat disappointed Mi hadn’t mentioned it since their initial conversation. Jake had bottomed for the first few guys he’d been with, but it hadn’t been a great experience. Once he topped for the first time, getting fucked wasn’t an option he entertained again, and no one had asked him until now. Only, Jake reminded himself, Micah hadn’t really asked.

He turned his attention fully on Micah. Dressed in his purple flapper dress, with a sleek black wig and dramatic eye makeup—including false eyelashes that showcased his stunning eyes, and brilliant red lipstick that drew attention to his sensuous mouth—he made a great Liza. They’d worked out a simple routine that didn’t require Micah to move much. He was still having a difficult time balancing on the heels and singing at the same time despite getting steadier on them when he was walking. At least Jake didn’t need to be concerned about Micah falling on his face as he walked across the stage. Micah had confessed it was the one thing he was really worried about.

“Don’t want to make a fool of myself before I even open my mouth.”

“You’re not going to make a fool of yourself. You’re an amazing performer.”

Watching Micah rehearse, Jake knew he was going to do great at the amateur night. He wished they could’ve perfected the “Lover Boy” number from Dirty Dancing, which had been Micah’s first choice, but there wouldn’t have been enough time before the show for Mi to develop the choreography and teach Jake how to play his role. Besides, Jake wouldn’t be around after the summer if Micah wanted to continue to perform his act, so Liza and Cabaret it was.

Micah was nearing the end of the song when Jake heard someone outside the studio. He scrambled to his feet just as the door burst open and Alex tumbled into the room, pulling up short when his gaze fell on Micah.

“What the fucking hell, Mikey?”

“You’re back early,” Jake said, noting the lack of enthusiasm in his voice and hoping, in the confusion of the moment, Alex wouldn’t notice. No such luck.

Alex turned to him. “Was this your idea?” His scorn came through loud and clear, and Jake was about to rip into him when Micah spoke up in full diva mode.

“Jesus, Alex. No, it wasn’t Jake’s idea. You know damn well this is something I’ve wanted to try since I was seven. And what the fuck are you doing in my studio in street shoes? You know better. And how dare you fucking interrupt when I’m rehearsing and then shove this kind of attitude in my face? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. It’s a good thing my feet are killing me, or I’d come over there and kick your ass. Jake, hon, can you come over here and help me while I take off my heels?”

By the time Micah was done, Alex was staring at the floor, and Jake was dying. He walked over to where Micah was standing on some sheets of cardboard they’d put down to protect the floor, and Micah put a hand on his shoulder so he could remove his heels without falling over.

“Sorry, Micah,” Alex mumbled. “You caught me by surprise.”

Micah seemed to deflate as he stepped out of the shoes. Jake left his side and brought him a bottle of water, conscious the whole time of Alex watching him. As he handed Micah the bottle, Jake raised an eyebrow in Alex’s direction, but before either of them could say anything, Micah suggested they go up to the kitchen and get something to eat.

“I’ll be right up. I’m going to change first.”

Jake and Alex trooped up the stairs in silence until they got to the kitchen, where Jake offered Alex something to drink.

“Just made yourself at home, didn’t you?” Alex said as Jake retrieved the requested bottles of water from the refrigerator.

“Fuck off, Toler. You dumped me here. What was I supposed to do?”

“Not turn Micah into some sideshow act.”

“Do you not realize how offensive that remark is, or are you deliberately trying to be an ass?”
