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Cameron’s silent on the other end of the phone long enough for me to worry he’s hung up.

“Is there something wrong with me if I think it’s kind of cute?” Cameron finally asks.

“Not from my side of things, no. In fact, I think it’s a really good thing because I tend to put my foot in my mouth quite often. As evidenced by how we met. A high tolerance for embarrassment is actually a quality I look for in…people.” Shit. I’d been about to say boyfriends. Not cool, Ty, not cool at all. “But I am sorry for assuming you wanted to talk.”

“Not a problem from my side of things either,” he says. “I wanted to call you, but I figured it would be safer to text first. To tell you the truth, I’m kind of an idiot about these things, too. I usually rely on Marney to tell me what I should do next, but she’s over at her girlfriend’s tonight and unavailable for consultation.”

“So, we both crowdsource our relationships because neither of us know what we’re doing? That’s good to know.” I let out an audible breath, and Cameron laughs.

“I wouldn’t say I’m completely devoid of experience when it comes to relationships, but Marney’s better than Google for advice.”

It’s my turn to laugh. “I wouldn’t exactly say my friends are helpful. Pushy and opinionated is more like it.”

We begin to talk about our work, Cameron trying—and failing—to explain what he was dealing with this evening, and me telling him about my progress on Undercover Ops. I don’t mention the sketches I’ve done for the fae prince, but I do talk about my ideas for a fantasy series.

As it becomes clear I’m not going to get any reading done tonight, I settle under the covers, holding the phone to my ear. It would be easier to put it on speaker, but there’s something wonderful about having Cameron’s voice right there as if we don’t have any distance between us. I shiver at the thought, then groan softly at the tell-tale tightness behind my balls. Although I’m wearing the T-shirt and shorts I put on after I got home, I usually sleep naked. That thought distracts me as I listen to Cameron talk more about his work. My cock twitches as I become aware of lying in my bed getting turned on by the sound of Cameron’s voice. I don’t even care what he’s talking about, I only care that he sounds a little breathless, his voice a deeper rumble than I’m used to. Whether it’s because he’s been talking a lot or because he’s tired, I don’t care. It’s sexy as fuck.

When Cameron abruptly stops speaking, I know I’ve said that last part out loud.

“Kill me now,” I mutter.

“Ty?” he asks. It’s the first time he’s used the shortened form of my name all my friends use, but I’ve never heard it sound like the sexy purr that comes from Cameron’s mouth. And it sure as fuck hasn’t ever made my cock twitch in appreciation. “Ty, are you there?”

“Still here. You heard that?”

“I did.”

“Okay. Great. I’ll be going now.”

Cameron chuckles. “I think your voice is sexy as fuck, too.”

There’s a soft rustle on the other side of the phone.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Getting more comfortable.”

“And that means?”

Silence. And I mean silence. I don’t think Cameron is even breathing.

“Were you going to jerk off while talking to me?” I ask.

“No.” Cameron draws the single syllable out as if he’s giving himself time to think of something more suitable to say. “I was going to jerk off after talking to you. I didn’t want anything to get in the way.”

“Oh.” I laugh, surprised at his candor and decide to meet it with my own. “Okay. I was going to do the same, actually.”

Again, there’s silence. Then Cameron clears his throat. “You know, we could always…” His voice has gone husky, and I feel the tingle of it all the way down my spine. My hips flex forward of their own volition, and I know if I touch my cock, it’s gonna be leaking. I settle for rolling forward, so it brushes against the sheets. The roughness of the cloth makes me shiver.

“Yeah,” I breathe out. “We could.”

“Yeah?” Cameron asks.

“Yeah.” The level of inarticulateness in this conversation makes me grin. “Just let me get my lube.” The familiar pop of a bottle opening greets me from Cameron’s end, and I let out a snort. “You really were ready.”

“I was. All I could think about during my meeting was you. Seeing you tomorrow. The tease of sitting next to you all day.”

When Cameron moans, I realize two things. One, he’s started without me, and two, I stopped moving, mesmerized by his voice.
