Page 10 of Beyond Expectations

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She would have to slow down if she wanted to last the night. Making my way over to the edge of the dance floor where she stood, I could see her doing all her trademark how to get a guy’s attention moves. Standing with her spine straight, boobs up and out, hand on the hip, her eyes hooded, which just intensified her smoky eye, and finished off with the infamous Ruby Tanner pout.

“So, who has caught your eye, missy? Because by the look that you’ve got right now, let’s say he doesn’t have a chance of getting away. So where is the lucky guy?”

“He’s the one with the dark green shirt sat at the bar. You see him?”

There was no way I could miss him. The guy must have been about six feet at a guess, with sandy bronze hair and dark stubble peppering his jaw. He was looking at my best friend in the same lustful manner as she was him. I guessed that her night was sorted. But it hit me just as he stood, and I could see his features clearer in the light.

I know that guy.

It was that idiot Julian Chambers. He was such an asshole during that meeting last week.

You’d think that someone whose family had amassed such a large and successful empire would at least know how to behave in a meeting.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered in contempt.

“What was that?” Ruby asked, still distracted by the jerk across the way.

“Nothing, hon. Just something to do with work popped into my head.”

“I’ve told you, Serena, no work, not tonight. You hardly ever relax and enjoy yourself. I’m going to go to Mr. Temptation over there, and I want you to go and find a sexy guy and show him the hot stuff you are. And that’s a birthday order!”

I wanted to dissuade her, but the last thing I wanted to do was get into it on her birthday. So, I swallowed my frustration and nodded while shaking my head.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Lifting an imaginary hat off her head in salute to me, we both laughed, and I watched as she approached him.

I couldn’t help but think back on my encounter with him last week. It was more than clear just what type of man he was. First, his assumption that I was an assistant and then the micro sexism that fell so freely from his goddamn mouth. It wasn’t that I wasn’t used to such statements, being a mixed-race woman who owned her own company, I’d heard plenty of them. But just because I’d experienced it multiple times throughout my life didn’t make it any less frustrating. The only good thing about his idiotic behavior was that it functioned as a decent distraction from seeing Rhett again.

I hadn’t even noticed him when I first entered the room. Then, when I introduced myself and took in his face, I realized it was the guy from the garage. I had to lock my knees when recognition and shock slammed into me. Seeing him again had set off that fire within me, and I didn’t want him to notice his effect on me. So, I’d done my best to avoid his stare. Now and again, I’d watch him out of the corner of my eye. Even the flex of his arm in what I was assuming was a custom-made suit reminded me of that hot, wet dream, which, despite my attempts at clearing from my mind, seemed to be popping up more than I wanted.

I glanced over at Ruby and the asshole, and saw she was lapping up every single word he was feeding her. I sure hoped Ruby was only thinking of indulging in him for tonight. I couldn’t think of anybody worse for her to start dating. Not that my opinion had ever played any part in her decision-making about the men in her life. Taking a long sip of my drink, I welcomed the distraction of the warm burn of the alcohol as it trickled down my throat. I was out for Ruby’s birthday, I would not let anyone fuck up my mood.

Setting my drink down, I went to the lady’s room to freshen up.

“Girl, you’re looking hot tonight. I better keep my man miles away from you,” the woman standing next to me at the sink blurted out.

Despite my complexion, I managed to turn bright red in embarrassment. I could tell she was out having a good night, and by how she kept swaying, I was sure she was feeling reasonably buzzed, too.

“Thank you, but your man is the lucky guy.”

I didn’t know what else to say. The lady gave me a megawatt smile and swayed her way out of the restroom. After reapplying my lipstick, I ran my hands over my hair, which, to my amazement, had managed to stay in place despite all the dancing.

Leaving the bathroom, I headed to the bar, wondering how Ruby and Julian were getting on, but I couldn’t find them. Walking through the dance floor, I scanned the room for Ruby and, on the off chance of spotting a hot guy and having fun. Just as I was about to start walking up the steps to our table, a firm hand grabbed my elbow. I turned around, ready to tell the guy to get lost, when I realized the piercing blue eyes staring so intently were those of Rhett Chambers. Seriously, out of all the places and all the nights to bump into the man that had been haunting my dreams, it had to be tonight.

“Serena Parker, right?”

His voice sounded deep and authoritative.

“Yes, I’m surprised you remembered.”

I tried to steady my voice as I could feel my pulse quicken.

“Of course.”

His hand still held my arm, and in any other case, I would have put a guy in his place, but something about him was keeping me from seeing any sense.

“So, are you here for a special occasion?”
