Page 101 of Beyond Expectations

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“Babe, we both know that’s bullshit, but I’ll let it slide. Well, for now, at least. So, I wanted to let you know that I’m heading to that yoga retreat I was telling you about. You know the one where it’s Kombucha at 5 a.m. followed by goat yoga?”

“Yeah, I remember. I thought you weren’t going to that until next month?”

There was a long pause, but finally, she answered.

“I know, but I just need to rejuvenate. Get my Zen back.”

I could hear from the tone in her voice she was keeping something back. And I guessed that Julian was the reason she chose to bump up this trip—not her goddamn Zen. Ugh, this was just another reminder that while I’d been wallowing and moping about my own life, I’d been a shitty friend to her recently. She had enough of her own stuff going on, and I hadn’t been there for her.

“You know I’m always there for you if you need to talk?”

“Yeah, I know, and I promise we’ll have a girl’s night when I’m back and properly catch up. Anyway, I’ve got to go.”

“All right, enjoy, and let me know if any of those goats bite you in the ass!”

Bursting out laughing, she responded, “Will do! Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Deciding to call it a night, I cleaned up my mug and bowl, ran a bath, and chose to have an early night.

After hours of tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep as my mind drifted off to the image of ocean-blue eyes.


As I parked my car, I could already smell the delicious scents of smoked meat from the BBQ. Making my way through the house and into the garden, I saw my sister, her husband, the twins, and some uncles, cousins, and aunts scattered around the garden.

Auntie Rena screams were followed by a tornado of limbs as my nieces engulfed me in hugs. Looking down at them, I saw they were ready for their performance and dressed in princess dresses.

“I’m super excited to watch your show.”

Just as Eden opened her mouth to say something, Amelia clamped her hands over it and said, “It’s a surprise!”

Both darted a look over at my sister, who couldn’t help but laugh.

Walking over, I said my hellos, and as my sister gave me a big squeeze, she said, “Don’t ask.”

Making my rounds of greetings, I saved Dad for last. Engulfing me in a bear hug, he whispered, “There’s my girl.”

My eyes shone with tears, but I wouldn’t allow them to fall. I noticed my brother’s absence and asked, “Where’s Roman?”

“He had to grab something from the store.”

I could feel my father’s eyes deeply assessing me, and not wanting to get into it or make a fool of myself as I became a blubbering me, I made my way over to the rest of my family and busied myself by catching up with them.

After eating my weight in food and catching up with family, the twins got everyone’s attention, and everyone simmered down, waiting for the show to start. Looking around and noticing Roman still wasn’t there, I leaned over to my sister and asked her if she knew where he was. I was just about to grab my cell and call him when Amelia cleared her throat and started reading from her pink fluffy binder.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She was prettier than all the others in the land because she had hair just like me.”

Everyone laughed as Eden walked over, waving and shaking her curls, almost causing her plastic tiara to fall off her head.

“Her name was Sabrina, and she ruled over all the animals in her kingdom. Even the grumpy lion.”

Suddenly, my cousin Anthony burst into a roar, making us all laugh.

“One day, she met a prince, and he was the most handsome prince called Ryder. He was even more handsome than my dad,” she whispered.

I looked over at my brother-in-law as he rolled his eyes but laughed.
