Page 14 of Beyond Expectations

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Running his nose along the back of my ear, I felt him take in the scent of my perfume.

I was unsure if it was my sweat or if he had licked his lips, but I felt their moisture as he parted them and ran them down the side of my neck.

He was not precisely kissing, more like nibbling his way down, and I arched my back to accept him better.

My pulse was racing, and my lungs felt like they were struggling for air.

The piercing strain of my nipples and the stimulation I felt rubbing against this man was bringing me to a state of evocative pleasure, which caused my eyes to start rolling to the back of my head.

Sliding his hands down my arms, skimming the sides of my breasts, he then wrapped his solid and supple hands around my wrists.

Spinning me around, he pinned my hands behind my back.

I broke out of my trance, realizing how close and intimate we were with one another at that moment.

My eyes flickered up, and I couldn’t help but look first at his firm mouth, then focused on his striking blue eyes. Simply staring at them that closely, I got lost in an ocean of power, lust, and desire.

I could feel his cock throbbing against my belly button.

Slowly, he leaned his head down.

I knew where this was going.

My conscience screamed at me, knowing this was a terrible mistake.

Nothing good could come of this. But right then, my body was standing its ground.

It had been quite some time since I last felt this turned on, this hot and wanted.

Rhett lowered his head and rubbed the pad of his thumb gently against my lower lip. Giving me one last look. The carnal lust I saw almost made me scream.

He crushed his lips against mine, almost aggressively.

Then he let out a slight moan, and the passion of the kiss went in a completely different direction. One hand was at the back of my head, holding me firmly in place and slightly tugging on my hair as the other snaked around my body.

The feeling of his fingers running down my spine, exposed by my dress, sent feelings of exquisite lust through me. His tongue softly caressed mine. I bit his lower lip, and the most erotic sound escaped his mouth.

The kiss was no longer playful.

It was stimulating. I began to feel slightly vulnerable.

At that moment, I remembered where we were. Standing in the middle of the dance floor of The Mount.

The other people dancing and enjoying themselves around us brought me out of the exotic bubble.

I felt dazed, almost as if I were in some hallucination.

I took a step back.

Rhett looked at me. His fiery eyes glowed with desire, but the look on his face also showed his confusion.

He tried to pull me back into his embrace, but I shook my head.

I needed to get the hell out of there. What was I thinking? First, he was a client. And secondly, he was different from the type of guy I wanted. He lived his life in a small, privileged bubble, so far away from my own.

I made my way through the crowd of bodies, men and women dressed to impress. Out for fun, drinks, and maybe something more if they were lucky.

My body screamed to return, but my head finally took the lead.
