Page 64 of Beyond Expectations

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There were tables filled with delicious food that had my mouth watering the second we stepped foot out there.

It took us about twenty minutes to go around as I was introduced to everyone. And I was trying my hardest to remember everybody’s names.

I also hadn’t spoken about such a range of topics in such a short period of time. Her Uncle Dane was telling me some impressive stories from his annual fishing trips in Barbados. Then, her cousin Lewis joined us, who’s over in the States on holiday as he lived in the UK. He was a mechanic for Maclaren.

I tried to catch a race whenever I had to head over to Europe for work, and Serena burst out laughing when I told her that I got my PA to try to coincide my business meetings with the racing calendar.

She hadn’t left my side since the moment we arrived, and I knew at first it was her way of easing me in, but the longer we were there and the more I relaxed, her touch changed from one of comfort to both of us simply wanting to always stay connected.

As this was the first time I was meeting her family, I made sure to remember to keep everything PG, but I didn’t miss any chance I had to kiss her shoulder or feel the goosebumps on her skin as I ran soft ghostlike touches across her bare skin.

She did get me back whenever she bit down on her lower lip, a movement that always sent all the blood rushing straight to my cock. And with the smirks she gave me after, she knew exactly what she was doing.

But I can honestly say this was turning out to be one of the most relaxing and enjoyable get-togethers I had ever gone to. Looking over the garden, I found Serena’s brother, Roman, deep in conversation with the guy Serena had introduced me to as Antony, their cousin, and the son of our hosts. Just as I went to take a sip of my beer, both looked up and slowly made their way over.

“Serena, Mom asked if you can quickly help her with something.”

Anthony preened.

“And why can’t you help?”

I watched in amusement as she glowered at her cousin, both standing in some silent deadlock.

I gently rubbed the back of her arm, and she glanced over. We both knew her brother and cousin had come over to say something—to me, at least, and I knew I’d be okay with whatever was sent my way. So, I gave her a slight nod, my eyes softening, letting her know I’d be all right.

Lifting onto her tiptoes, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before huffing and walking toward the patio doors.

After about a couple of seconds of both guys staring me down. Roman broke the silence.

“I’m not going to beat around the bush. My sister means the world to me. She’s been through a lot. I know she seems tough and strong to most—and she is those things, but she’s also got a gentle heart. So, if you fuck her over, I will come after you.”

Their cousin Anthony grunted in agreement.

Now, I was not going to lie to myself, the guy had a serious physical presence. At a guess, I’d say he’s about three inches off my six-three, but he still maintained a strong football build.

“I understand and respect that.”

I’d always felt the same way with both my sisters. Even after Kara got married to Austin, I still reminded him that should he ever hurt or seriously upset her, I would kill him. I reached out my hand to shake his. He eyed it for a split second before shaking mine, and I didn’t miss how he smirked and tightened his grip slightly.

Then Anthony reached his hand out, not wanting to miss out on the action.

“So, now that we’ve put that to rest, I gotta say I was impressed when Serena sent me the pictures of the Lusso you bought her. I know how much she’d always loved that car. It must have cost a pretty penny,” Roman said.

“It was worth every cent. Just wait till you see her drive it.”

Even I could hear the pride in my voice. And as I watched Roman’s face light up, I knew he did too.

“Well, as you seem to like giving generous gifts, I just thought I’d give you the heads-up that it’s my birthday in a couple of weeks.”

Anthony beamed.

I couldn’t help but laugh as Roman rolled his eyes and punched him in the arm.

“What? I’m just saying. Now that he’s been welcomed into the family, he should know the most important days of the year.”

Anthony groaned.

Roman continued shaking his head, but my mind was still focused on the word family. As I continued to roll the words over in my head, I realized how much I enjoyed the sound of that.
