Page 66 of Beyond Expectations

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“She does.”

I couldn’t help but smile. And the smile my father gave me back let me know that whatever Walter said to him didn’t matter. I knew I could rely on my father. That was what made the thought of losing him so much more heartbreaking.

Julian cleared his throat.

“Hold on a minute, surely there’s something wrong with all this? She works for us.”

“As if that’s ever stopped you before, Julian.”

Right now, Julian reminded me why I only associated with him because he was my flesh and blood.

“But surely, it’s a bit convenient that she suddenly takes an interest in you when she begins working for us, finding out our net worth, then knowing you’ll soon take over the family business. The words gold digger come to mind.”

I shot up to my feet. My fists were clenched, ready to deck him.

“Rhett, please don’t. For me. Please.”

I searched my father’s eyes, and I couldn’t bring myself to cause him more stress and hurt than he must already be feeling.

“You, Julian, will apologize to your brother. And if I ever hear you utter one more ill word about Serena Parker, I assure you I will take it as a personal insult. So, choose your words wisely from now on.”

Sitting back in my seat, I watched Julian polish off his glass and clink it with mine. He muttered the word sorry under his breath and he then ordered himself another.

“Julian, I don’t know exactly how much time I’ve got left. I want to spend as much quality time with those I love and care about. I also need to know that things between the two of you will be okay once I pass. You seem happy with Ruby, and that brings me such joy. Don’t you want Rhett to have the same happiness with Serena?”

“Whatever you wish, Father.”

Julian didn’t even have the decency to look at our father as he spoke. He was a pathetic excuse of a man. If it weren’t for my dad, I’d have battered him to a pulp already.

The more my father spoke about his plans over the upcoming weeks and months, the larger the pit in my stomach grew. I was a grown man who understood what was happening. That didn’t alleviate my fear of losing the man I always looked up to and saw as my hero.

Chapter 18


Work has been manic. I’d already had one court case, which the judge ended up adjourning, sat through two depositions, and was wrapping up a meeting with my associates. Gathering my folder and papers from the meeting room, I wasn’t concentrating when our receptionist suddenly appeared at my side.

“Sarah, you startled me there.”

“Sorry, I thought you heard me knock.”

“Not a problem, today has just been one of those days. So, what can I help you with?”

As I turned around to give her my full attention, I saw the large bouquet in one hand and a card in the other.

“These came for you. The courier gave specific instructions to make sure they were hand-delivered.”

I returned my folder and papers to the desk and took the flowers and card from her. As I opened the card, I saw Sarah standing there hovering, eagerly wanting to see who they were from.

“Thank you, Sarah. That will be all.”

I wasn’t sure if she knew I heard her huff on her way out. She was a good receptionist and always did her job well. But I was also aware that she was one of the biggest gossips, she loved to know everybody’s business.

Opening the envelope, I read the card inside.

Dear Serena,

I hope you like the flowers. I wasn’t sure what your favorites were, so I picked those I felt best suited you.
