Page 70 of Beyond Expectations

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“What was it about it?”

“That’s the thing, it wasn’t even a big issue. He wanted to go out, and I didn’t. But somehow, that escalated into something so much bigger than it needed to be. He did apologize, though, and put it down to his head being all over the place. Given everything that’s going on with his dad and with Rhett’s upcoming takeover of the company. It’s just been a lot for him, I guess. And I realized how much he’s struggling with dealing with it all.”

I could see the worry and concern as she looked at me. But there was something else in her eyes that I couldn’t quite place, but I could tell there was something else also bothering her.

“Is that all that worrying you?”

“Yes, of course. There’s nothing else.”

I knew that was a lie, but as she wasn’t going to say any more, I didn’t want to push her. I knew she would eventually tell me. I just hoped that Julian didn’t hurt her. I was really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I just didn’t trust the guy. He was an asshole. Was that why she felt reluctant to open up about him because she knew I wasn’t his biggest fan? I’d been keeping my opinions of him to myself, but maybe she could see something in my facial expressions every time she brought up his name. She swiftly changed the subject and pressed me on all things regarding Rhett.

“I still can’t believe he bought you a car. I can’t wait to see what he gets you for your birthday,” she jested with excitement.

I knew she was joking, but a part of me almost regretted accepting the car. I knew he’d done it as a sweet gesture, but I also knew what people would think. That was something I was struggling to shake off. Not wanting to delve into those worries, I decided to change tactics and bring up the email we’d both been sent. It was an invitation to attend our school reunion.

It was late when I got back home, and I was beat. I changed into fluffy pajamas, wrapped my hair in my silk hair wrap, hung up the gown in my closet, and put away the rest of my purchases. I tried to catch up on some reading on my Kindle, but after only a handful of pages, I drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 19


My intercom buzzed at precisely eight o’clock, with the doorman informing me that Rhett was downstairs. I told him to let him know I’d be down in a second before returning to my room to grab my bag, then locking up and taking the elevator down to the lobby.

I took one last look in the mirror. Ruby and I had discussed the various ideas of how I should wear my hair. I wanted to wear it straight, she wanted me to leave it natural and curly. So, I met her halfway. I decided on old Hollywood waves. I pinned one side up off my face and let the other cascade down my back. I kept my makeup basic, winging my eyes with black liner and adding a matte red lipstick.

My heels clicked along the tiled floor as I stepped out, alerting him to my presence.

He swiftly turned around, and I watched as his eyes traveled up my body.


I couldn’t help but blush.

He looked at me like a hunter ready to devour its prey.

Taking my hand, he kissed the top of it. I did feel like a princess now.

He looked terrific in his black tuxedo, perfectly tailored around his strong, supple physique.

“You look breathtaking. I really want to kiss you, but I’m worried I will smudge your lipstick.”

I wrapped my arms around his head, pulled him closer, and said, “Luckily for you, my lipstick is smudge-proof.”

I crashed my lips into his. The wanton desire for him, that forever simmered beneath the surface, erupted in full force. His tongue felt like velvet as it played with mine. He gently lifted me off my feet with his arms wrapped around me. I could feel his touch on my bare back, which sent waves of lust thrumming through me.

Setting me back on my feet, he looked me up and down again.

“I usually can’t stand these benefits, but I have never been as excited as I am now going there with you. Especially formally introducing you to my parents as my girlfriend.”

My heart was still racing as we walked to the car, and his driver opened the door for me to get in, followed by Rhett, before we merged into the flow of traffic, making our way.

The gala was held in the ballroom of the Plaza Hotel. Rhett held my hand for the entire car journey. My stomach twisted into anxious knots. I was nervous about seeing his father again, and this time not in a work-related capacity, but mainly, I was scared about meeting his mother. Especially given the fact that she clearly wanted Rhett to be with Verity. What had gotten me was that he called me his girlfriend. I was both thrilled and scared.

Were we moving too fast?

When we arrived, the flood of flashes from the awaiting paparazzi almost blinded me. I heard cheers and wolf whistles from the people gathered outside. Photographers yelling at people to look this way than that. I heard rapid fire questions among the noise.

Mr. Chambers, who’s your date? How long have you two been together? Does this mean the rumors of your engagement to Verity Lancaster are false?
