Page 77 of Beyond Expectations

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“Heather… is… such… a…. dedicated… beautiful… woman… with… the… biggest… heart. She… should… never… change. I’ve… loved… her… since… the… day… she… was… born.”

I knew I should wake Julian and call everyone in. But I didn’t want to miss anything he was trying to say.

“Kara… is… bright… beautiful… and… such… an… amazing… mother. If… she… ever…. feels… sad… she… should… look... at… Kai… as… I… will… forever… be… watching… over... him.”

The lump in my throat was beginning to make me feel like I couldn’t breathe.

“And you, my son… I… am… prouder… of… you… than…you… ever…will… know. You… have… and… will… continue… to… achieve… greatness… but… remember… to… listen… to… your… heart. Never… forget… that. I have left… a… folder… for… you… with Carter.”

He took another deep breath through the mask.

“I love you.”

My voice was barely above a whisper.

“I love… you too… son.”

A single tear fell down his cheek, and his hand slipped by his side.

The machine monitoring his heart began to flatline. In the next few moments, the nurses and doctor ran in. They checked his vitals. But I already knew he was gone.

The commotion of their entrance woke Julian up. I watched as he raked his hands through his hair, falling to his knees.

Then I heard a scream. Following the sound, I saw my mother with Kara and Heather on either side. They were trying to hold her up, but as the realization hit them, they all fell to the floor.

My ears blocked all the sound out. Nurses and doctors left the room, allowing us to have some privacy.

I walked back to my father’s lifeless body and kissed his forehead, and my own tears fell upon his face.


We stayed at the hospital for a few more hours. Everyone wanted to say goodbye in their own way. The ride back to my parents’ house was in absolute silence. My father’s physician gave my mother and both my sisters a light sedative to help them through the next few hours.

As soon as we arrived, Julian went to the bar and drank. For once, I wasn’t mad at him. Instead, I joined him. My mother and sisters went to bed. The staff rallied around, trying to be helpful while simultaneously dealing with their own grief. Julian retreated to the pool house, taking a bottle of bourbon with him. I found myself sitting in my father’s office.

I spent the next hour on the phone with different family and friends. I was informing them of my father’s passing. I needed this. I needed to keep myself busy.

When I spoke to Carter, I told him what my father had said. I was surprised as he broke down. Once he got himself together, he told me there was a copy of the folder my father spoke about in the top drawer of his desk before giving his condolences, and we ended the call.

My hand lay resting on the drawer handle for God knew how long. My mind was in turmoil about whether I should open it.

Finally, I did.

In the folder was Father’s will. He outlined the various assets he divided between my mother, me, and my siblings. A contract had been drawn up, which defined that my siblings were to have multiple properties divided between them, and others would be given to my mother. It also stipulated that all my father’s money would be split between my mother, brother, and two sisters, but not me.

That didn’t surprise me. I’d been lucky enough to amass a large fortune and didn’t need it. What did surprise me were the final pages of the contract. It stated that I was to inherit the company in full. And that a minimum of twenty-five percent of its future profits would be split between the family. I was to take over as owner immediately after his death. I read the various other legalities and documents in the folder. Then I found an envelope that had been addressed to me.

My hands shook as I opened it.

My Dearest Rhett,

The fact that you’re reading this means my time has ended.

I hope you have read all the documents in the folder. If you have, it also means you understand that I have left the company to you. I’ve spent long and hard thinking about this, and I hope it is met with understanding on everyone’s part. As you know, our company has been in the family for generations and passed on from father to son for decades. I don’t want you to think I have decided to leave it to you simply because it’s tradition. I have done it because there is not one person I would trust more in the world. You have grown up to be such a dedicated and hardworking man. It has been an honor to call you my son, to work with you for the past few years, and watch you succeed beyond anyone’s expectations. You are enthusiastic, caring, considerate, forgiving, and loyal. I am so proud of you son. I wish I were around to continue watching you succeed. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I had never felt so nervous as the doctor handed you to me. But as I looked into your eyes, I felt my heart be filled in ways I never thought imaginable. You have been an amazing older brother to your siblings, a phenomenal colleague, and an outstanding son.

These next few months will be difficult for everyone. Please always remind your mother she was the love of my life. And look out for Kara and especially Heather. Kara has Austin and Kai to help her, but Heather is sensitive. Please keep a watchful eye out over her. As for Julian, I know you two bicker as brothers often do, but please find it within your heart to at least get onto common ground with him. He is brash, and his judgments and choices are often questionable, but he will forever be your brother. Try to support him and be there for him. At least as much as he lets you.

And you, Rhett, I feel least worried about. I see so much of myself in you. It has been a privilege to call you my son. You have inherited my drive and passion for work, but please promise me you’ll also find time for love. Because leading your life without somebody to love and share it with, well, that isn’t a life worth leading at all. Follow your heart and never let anyone deter you from it.
