Page 99 of Beyond Expectations

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Despite her clipped tone, I could see from the sad look in her eyes it was more grief-talking than enquiring about the state of my work affairs.

“Yes, work is busy. There is always something to do. But I’ve come to see you to talk about something. Something important.”

“I see. Go on, then. I’m all ears.”

“It’s about Serena.”

I unbuttoned my suit jacket, leaning back and making myself more comfortable. I watched her lips pursed slightly, tilting her head to the side as she wrung hands tightly in her lap.

“And what about Serena?”

This time, I could undoubtedly hear the venom in her voice, which made my anger boil.

“I have come here to tell you that she is the love of my life. She has made me happier than I have ever been. She makes me realize my self-worth and doesn’t expect anything from me—there is no pressure to be or become something or someone when I am around her. I have understood the pressure and expectations that you and Father have put upon me all my life. And although I can understand them, to some extent, I still hate that I was never asked if this—taking over the company was something I wanted to do. Of course, I will make the company and my father and grandfather’s legacy proud, but I will be doing it in my own way.”

“What do you mean?”

She fretted. Her mouth pinched, and her eyes wide in alarm.

“I mean, I won’t be carrying on the way things were done before. The world has changed, and we need to change with it. Since Serena came into my life, I have seen the passion and change she brings to those around her. That, among many other things, is what I wish to do. I want to create opportunities for those who are otherwise restricted. I want to diversify our portfolio instead of simply dismantling and rebuilding and then selling on to the highest bidder or adding more hotels, luxury condos and offices to our already remarkably lucrative portfolio and assets. I will keep what we already have, but moving forward, I will implement changes and create separate departments to start bridging the gaps in the market.”

“And all of this simply because you love Serena?”

“Yes and no. She has opened my eyes, and I no longer can nor want to look away. Not only in the business side of things but also personally. That brings me to you.”

“What about me?”

Her brow arched with both intrigue and clear annoyance that I was no longer holding anything back anymore.

“Since the moment you met her, you have been cold, judgmental, and, let’s be honest, racist.”

“How dare you? I am not racist. I have worked with charities and on boards to help people of all ethnicities and backgrounds.”

“You know as well as I that means nothing when your son doesn’t feel comfortable bringing his partner around you, for worry you or your friends will belittle her or insult her with microaggressions or prejudiced views. I will not allow you or anyone else to make her feel less than she is. That leads me to another issue. Verity. I will never be in that woman’s presence again. If I ever hear her criticize or slander Serena, I will not be held responsible for my actions. I have never implied nor indicated that she and I have or ever would have any future together. She is a disgusting and manipulative snake. She preyed upon you as much as she has done me. She exploited your vulnerability with Father’s diagnosis. I can only guess that she most likely fed you lies to perpetuate and possibly fan the flames of any issues you had with Serena. If you choose to continue to have any relationship with her, I will take that as your choice to effectively cut off any relationship I have with you. I will not sit back and have that kind of person in or around my life.”

I watched as she stood, walked over to the window, and waited for her to speak.

“You know your father didn’t want to marry me initially?”

“Excuse me?”

My tone showed shock, but she just nodded, continuously staring out the window.

“It had been a suggestion—in other words, an arrangement between our families. I’d always had a crush on him. Still, I don’t think he ever really noticed me until I’d overheard him being told about the marriage. Then he and your grandfather argued as my father talked about me as if I were a piece of cattle. I’ll never forget the look on your father’s face when he stormed out and ran into me, seemingly having realized I must have heard everything. No one heard from him for over two weeks, then he came back and apologized, and we started dating. During that time, we realized how much we had in common and fell in love. We were one of the lucky ones. The letter your father left for me reminded me of that. Most others in our situation had sham marriages full of betrayal, infidelity, and animosity. Since the day you were born, I always felt that you belonged to your father—you were his to shape into the man you have become today. You never needed me. So, I thought this would be one thing I could do. I could help with. I thought I could help pick someone who knows the ins and outs of how things work. And with any luck, you would go on to have the kind of relationship I had with your father.”

Her voice hitched, and I watched as she took a deep, steadying breath.

“I thought I knew what was best, but clearly, I was wrong.”

Slowly, she made her way back over, sitting next to me.

“Your father would be so proud of you. I know there are many things you may have wished we had done differently, but you have to remember we brought you up in the way our parents had raised us. If you truly love Serena as much as you say, and if she feels the same way you do, as your mother, that is all I could ask for. I’d also like to apologize to her and get to know her. Maybe we can arrange a lunch? Or she could come over for some tea?”

I managed to suppress the chuckle that bubbled inside as I couldn’t imagine Serena being too keen on having a lunch date any time soon with my mother.

“I’ll speak to her and see what she says. I won’t push her on it as I want her to feel comfortable and welcomed.”

Rolling her shoulders back, she gave me a brief nod before asking if I would be staying for something to eat.
