Page 20 of Ruthless King

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Tess and Knight arrived together, which raised some eyebrows, and Jackson stood by himself at the portable bar, nursing what looked like some type of whiskey. Ben was called away for an emergency at the hotel, and Lucy was fashionably late, as she had a late-night modeling gig in Charleston. The only missing link was Julia, who had a piano recital for her students back in Manhattan. It was an annual event, and she didn’t want to disappoint the kids by canceling.

After securing two Macallans, Courtland offered me a glass, which I happily accepted. With the amount of people here, it was easy to blend in, which was kind of my thing.

Courtland excused himself to speak to Jackson, and I was taking in the scene when a voice I recognized spoke. Olivia King was a vision of refined beauty. Her hair was the same color as Courtland’s, but her eyes were several shades lighter than his. Cerulean, if I had to put a name to it. He resembled her more than his brothers, who took after their father. She was a beautiful woman, and the years had definitely been kind to her.

“Molly, it’s so good to have you here today. Would you be a dear and help me with something in the house?” Her request caught me by surprise, but I was more than willing to assist in any way I could.

I followed her into the ranch-style kitchen, but when she kept going toward the front of the house, my confusion grew. She entered the sitting room with me in tow and stopped in front of a baby grand piano. It was beautiful, with polished keys and a bench seat that spanned the entire length of it. The intricate carvings on the edge told me it was vintage nineteenth-century. The rich maple was stained to its deep natural hue. I hadn’t been in this room the first time I visited with Courtland. When she turned to me, her blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

“This is the most amazing piano I have ever seen. It’s breathtaking.” My words caught in my throat, and I ran my fingers precariously across the keys.

“Thank you. It was my grandfather’s. I thought the boys would take up playing, but Knight was the only one who showed anything resembling musical talent. But after a few years on the piano, he decided he was better suited to play guitar.” She wiped a wayward tear from her cheek and smiled. “Anyway, when Ben told me you played at the hotel, I wanted you to see this. I thought perhaps if you needed a place to practice, you could come over to play. It’s silly, I know. You probably don’t need any practice, and if you did, you certainly wouldn’t need to be here.

“Mrs. King, thank you for the sentiment. I would be honored to play here. I don’t have a lot of need to practice since I only play twice a month, but I usually spend a couple of hours the day before going over my set. I can give you my schedule, and we can set up a time.”

“That would be lovely, dear.”

“Do you mind?” I asked, motioning toward the piano. I was itching to get my fingers on those ivories.

“Not at all. I’ll just leave you to it.” As soon as she excused herself, I planted my butt on the bench, and it felt like I had gone to heaven. As if my fingers had a mind of their own, they danced across the keys in fits of crescendos and arpeggios.

As the sound dissipated on the last keystroke, a slow applause sounded behind me. Turning, I was captivated by the sexy god of a man stalking toward me. The heat in his eyes was panty melting. The spark I usually felt at the sight of him had erupted into a full-blown inferno. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than the stubble from his beard grazing my most sensitive parts. I wanted his mouth on mine, devouring me from the inside out, touching the most secret pieces of me.

“That was amazing, Buttercup.” His sexy, raspy voice made my knees weak, and once again, I felt my cheeks flush with heat, but this time, it had nothing to do with embarrassment and everything to do with lust.

Before I could respond, I was lifted and shoved down on top of the piano, exposing me in a dangerous way. With one hand, he deftly unbuttoned my shorts, and his fingers found their way inside while his other hand pushed my tank up to expose my red lacy bra while I gripped and pulled at his ebony hair. He worked my shorts and panties down past my knees as he cupped my breast through the lace. His mouth captured mine for a moment, and then he broke away, staring me down like a hungry lion ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey.

“What is it?” My words were faltering, and I was drowning in a haze of want.

“Nothing, Molly. Just admiring this treasure between your legs. Such a magnificent gift. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, and I want to worship every inch of you.” Then he lowered his mouth and slid his tongue over the sensitive bud and sucked my labia into his mouth as soft whimpers escaped my lips. He feasted on my clit like a starving man, and I was his last meal. I was powerless to do anything except lie back and take what he was giving me. The sensation became so intense I couldn’t catch my breath as my body and mind soared to the highest dimensions possible.

“Oh God, Courtland, I’m coming.” The words had barely left my mouth when fireworks exploded behind my eyes, and my legs were shaking as he held me in place until he had wrung out the last drop of ecstasy I had to give.

When I felt my body relaxing and he lifted his head from between my legs, his midnight eyes were full of desire. He managed to swiftly relieve himself of his shorts and boxer briefs as I forced his shirt over his head, trying not to rip the buttons off. My legs instinctively fell open when he crawled his way up to meet my mouth. “My turn.” His words were a symphony to my ears as he settled between my thighs. Locking his eyes with mine, he pushed himself into me ever so slightly, testing my endurance. He seemed bigger than I remembered, and it took my breath away. “Is it too much?”

“Courtland King, don’t you dare stop.” My demand sparked the fire in his eyes; a bead of sweat had formed on his temple, and I wanted to lick it clean.

“Fuck, Buttercup, you feel so good.” He muttered the words as he sank deeper inside, pulling out to the tip, then plunging back in, hitting my womb as he relentlessly drove into me, chasing his own release. With my legs locked around his waist, I could feel myself inching closer to the edge again. After a few more powerful thrusts, we were both flying together in a haze of euphoria. “Molly, oh… my… God.”

I laughed at his lack of articulation. He kissed me on the nose and pulled out slowly, teasing me with his spectacular dick, but he made no move to get up. “We need to get back outside. Everyone will wonder what happened to us.” I sounded like a giddy schoolgirl, my heart rate slowly coming back into normal range.

He gently released me, and we dressed quickly, making our way back to the party before anyone discovered us.

We garnered a few stares when we finally made it back outside. Lucy had finally arrived and was sitting at a table with Knight and Tess, drinking wine coolers. Jackson had left the portable bar and was standing between his parents. It appeared he was in a tense conversation with his dad.

Courtland and I strolled over to the table where my friends sat, hand in hand. “Looks like you two made up.” Tess’s words tickled my ears as her eyes danced between us. Her face burst into a brilliant smile, and Knight and Lucy followed suit.

“Well, aren’t you observant?” I couldn’t help myself. If she only knew what we had done just moments before on the coveted King family piano, she would never let me live it down.

Before I could continue, Courtland broke up the awkwardness of the situation. “Molly finally came to her senses about the two of us.” His navy eyes twinkled as he smirked in my direction. Everyone laughed, and Knight shook his head in amusement. “So, Court, who dressed you this morning?”

All eyes immediately flew to the sexy playboy who, in his haste to dress quickly, had misbuttoned his shirt. It looked like a toddler had been in charge of dressing him. Knight howled, and Courtland shot him a scowl before bursting into laughter himself. The rest of us rolled in our chairs in fits of giggles, tears streaming down our faces.

It felt good to laugh, and it made my heart skip a beat to hear the chorus of easy banter between the brothers. My grief snuck up on me as it usually does when it is least expected. These men shared a connection with each other that I would never have again.

Dammit, why can’t I move on? Excusing myself to use the powder room, I noticed Jackson coming our way. After wiping the happy tears, which were mingled with sad ones, from my cheeks, I returned to find Lucy and Jackson in a stare-off. What was their problem with each other?

“Hey, Jackson. Can I ask you something?”
