Page 184 of Groupthink

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“No, man! It’s a fuckingraccoon!That’s a wild animal!”

Sam shrugged. “Could be fun.”

“It’ll destroy our furniture!”

“Then we’ll just get new furniture.”

“I like having nice things!”

“We’ll get more nice things.”

Noah and Sam seemed to drift further away as I listened to the space around their words.

Yes. That intuitive tingling was still there. I could feel eyes on the back of my—

I stopped and whirled around.

The dark, lonely sidewalk yawned open behind us.

Sam stopped and turned. “Grace, what is it?”

“N-nothing,” I said, tucking a lock of damp hair behind my ear. “I’m just on edge, I think.”

Sam gave me a concerned look.

Noah shone his flashlight on the sidewalk behind us.


I huddled against Sam. “I’m just a little spooked, is all.”

Sam wrapped his arms around me. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you with us around.”

That felt true.

I eased against him and felt warm safety pulse through me.

He kissed me on the head. “Now, let’s get you that comfort food.”

I smiled and turned my back on the darkness.

Noah opened the door to the restaurant.

The thick scent of garlic bread and melted cheese caressed my senses.

“After you.”

Sam grabbed my hand.

Warmth flooded through me.

Then, one by one, the three of us stepped into the light.
