Page 77 of Groupthink

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My eyes flicked to my phone again.

Just to check.

I zoned out and words poured through my head. More rhymes, more plays on words, more jumbled thoughts that twisted through my new desire for that Grace girl. I started muttering out loud, testing how the words sounded in the air—

“Mornin’ Dic!”

I whirled around in the chair, kept my cool, but my heart thundered with surprise.

Did I say that out loud? Had he heard?

My friend Spoken appeared, leaning against the doorframe, looking cooler than I could ever hope to be in this lifetime or the next six.

He looked at me with a wide, shit-eating grin.

“Not Dictionary, today, just Sam,” I said, trying to distract him. “Dictionary’s put away right now—”

“Uh-uh,” Spoken chided with a grin, wagging a finger at me. “Dictionary didn’tsoundput away when I came in here. Man, you lit itup!”

Did I seriously say everything in my head out loud? I’d just zoned out and got everything ready for a recording session…

Well, whatever.

If he walked in on me talking to myself, I’d have to own it.

I meant to do that. With effortless ease, I smirked and gave Spoken a heavy-lidded look.



“Well, when the muse strikes—”

“You’ve got a lady.”

I faltered and ran my fingers through my hair. I wanted to avoid talking about Grace and get back to the music. Music was my only outlet; my only escape from my racing thoughts. But from the way he was looking at me, I knew I’d piqued his interest and there’d be no escape.

Though, I didn’t know what I could tell him that he couldn’t already guess. From the way he was looking at me right now, it was like he already knew everything. Hell, Spoken was so smooth he probably watched me and Grace fucking from a shadow in my bedroom, undetected.

“Where’s Mea?” I asked.

“On her way.”


A long silence stretched between us as he stared me down; his gaze twisting and slicing through all of my secrets.

I reached for a pen. “You want to warm up, or—?”

“No, I wanna discuss what the fuck I just walked in on,” Spoken said.

Direct as always.

My heart quickened. “I was just playin’ around.”

“So you’re tellin’ me you free-styled thatwhole thing?!”

“I mean… well, yeah.”What whole thing? I totally spaced out…
