Page 100 of The Summer of Wild

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"Come on, Wilder," I fight back tears. "Just say it."

More silence.

"You can't even admit it to yourself, can you?" I yell at him. "You love me. Just say it."

He shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Say something!" I shout. "Anything!"

"I don't—"

"I love you," I force out. "I've always loved you. I know you feel the same way, so why can't you just say it?"

Wilder takes a step forward. "Because I can't."

The first tear falls as I realize summer is coming to an end soon.

And so is my time with Wilder.

Chapter 26

The Free Fall

My eyes are swollen, and my face is puffy thanks to a long night of crying. A night of knowing that no matter what Wilder feels, he won't tell me. Because of his infuriating loyalty to Cash Allred.

Part of me admires his dedication to their lifelong friendship. Wilder isn't the type of person to throw history away on a whim. The problem is that he seems to think Cash owns him and his fealty until the day he dies.

I disagree.

I think Wilder forgets Cash left him without saying goodbye. He forgets Cash hasn't even talked to him. I'm not sure if Wilder's reached out, but I know Cash hasn't. If he did, Wilder would be putting up more walls and trying to shut me out. He hasn't done that yet. So, Cash is still ignoring him. What kind of friendship can survive that type of rejection?

There's a small knock on my door. I groan and shove all the tissues I've used under my pillow.


Isla pops her scarlet head in. "There's a creepy boy who's been standing in front of our house for an hour. I think he's here for you."

"Dark hair?" I ask.


"Brooding scowl on his face?"


I guess Wilder is here to talk. I would dress up, but I'm sad and tired. I don't feel like trying to pretty myself up to hear whatever sorry excuse he has for making my heart hurt.

I march down the stairs in star pajama shorts and an old T-shirt of Dad's. I don't even run my fingers through my hair before walking outside.

Sure enough, Wilder is standing on the front lawn, his face hard to read.

"Are you stalking me now?" I cross my arms over my chest, defiantly. "You're scaring my sister."

He doesn't say anything.

"Ugh!" I tug at the ends of my hair. "Stop wasting my time, Wilder! I'm done with the silence. If you have something to say, then say it. If not, get off my lawn."

He steps forward. "You know I want to say it, but I can't. I can't say it until I talk to Cash. Until then, it's not fair to you."
