Page 31 of The Summer of Wild

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"Yeah," I clear my throat. "You're right." That was a little dark and disturbing. Even for me.

I glance over at Mr. Allred and Clementine, shocked to see the former caressing the cheek of Fanny's arch-nemesis. The table next to theirs is empty now, giving me the perfect view of their dangerous liaison.

Why? Why is he doing this to his family?

Cash told me once that his father was a covert narcissist. I didn't pay much attention then. I just assumed he was pissed at his parents and wanted to complain about them. Maybe he was right. Maybe Mr. Allred is an unfeeling, selfish, cheating egomaniac.

Wilder snaps a picture of me.

I look at him. "What are you doing?"

"I want to remember this moment forever," he winks.


"This is the first time you ever admitted that I was right."

"You're dumb," I roll my eyes.

"So are you," he snaps back.

I tilt my head to the side. "What's gotten into you lately? Your comebacks suck, and you haven't made any jokes about sleeping with my sister. Or about me not being good enough for Cash." I can't help but think this has something to do with Olivia-Sophia. Did her return cause Wilder's mojo to... plummet?

"Isla was a one-and-done thing," he shrugs. "And Cash dumped you, thereby proving my point correct. You never were good enough for him."

"Ah, there's the Wilder I've grown to love and adore," I tease him.

"Don't use my name in the same sentence as adore unless you're talking about adoring my dick."

"You don't need anyone to adore your dick," I scoff. "You adore it every time you take a shower."

"Or think about your boobs," he admits as he hitches a shoulder.

I lean forward and narrow my gaze. "Stop talking about my boobs."

"I can't help it," he grins. "They're hanging out and making me think about all the things I'd like to do to them. Or on them."

"You repulse me."

"You ever wonder why Cash never did anything to them?"

"What? How would you know?"

"He's my best friend. We talk about the weird shit we do in the bedroom. But Cash never talked about your boobs. Is he a butt guy?"

I swallow hard. Cash really wasn't all that adventurous. We never had sex anywhere other than a bed and he hated blow jobs. Wait, I'm not supposed to be thinking or talking about him right now. Not when we have a crisis on our hands.

"Can we focus? Please," I beg Wilder.

His hazel eyes dart to my chest. "It's hard to when you're boobies are calling my name. Wilder, please touch us. Please do things to us. Please rub your—"

"Stop!" I yell at him, catching the attention of the couple having dinner at the table next to ours. "Sorry," I give them an uncomfortable wave.

Thankfully, the waitress appears with our drinks and asks for our order. I take a moment to hide behind the menu and gulp in a few sobering breaths.

Once the waitress is gone, Wilder exhales. "We have two options, Blondie. Confront Archibald Allred about his alleged affair or take some pictures and use it to blackmail him."

I briefly close my eyes. "Confront or blackmail? Those are the only two options here?"
