Page 41 of The Summer of Wild

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I did not just think the word beautiful about the world's ugliest man-child. Gross. Wilder Cox is a sadistic, slithering serpent. Yeah. He's disgusting. Slimy and sleazy. But also sort of attractive when his mouth is shut.

Ew. Not again!

I don't know what's going on here. My brain must be malfunctioning because I think Wilder might be hot.

This is... this is not how I saw this summer going. This is not how I saw our weird friendship going.

I can't be attracted to Cash's best friend, can I? The guy who tortured me for years. No, no. That's almost as insane as using the words Isla and selfless in the same sentence.

"I don't think you have deep-set eyes," I finally say. "Jill's a little off her rocker. She spends all day with her furry friends, and they sniff each other's butts to greet one another. What she lacks in social graces though, she makes up for in heart."

"Am I calculating?" he asks, changing the subject.

I shrug. "Maybe. But you're an only child who grew up in a fatherless home while his mother worked long hours. You had to fend for yourself. What might appear to some people as calculating, might have been your only means of survival."

"Wow," Wilder exhales as he scratches the back of his neck. "That's dark and depressing. Even for you."

"Fine, you are calculating," I give him a hard time. "Better?"

"Get in the car," he rolls his eyes. "Or we're going to miss the movie."

I park around the back and lock the doors as soon as I get out. Wilder shoots me a strange look as I walk around the front of the car, surveying the area.

"Why are you looking at me like a psycho?" I whisper to him as the orange light overhead flickers.

"Because we live in the safest town in America. We haven't had a murder in... at least ten years."

"Better safe than sorry," I mumble as I drop the keys into my purse. I peer around, taking in the piles of stacked cardboard boxes and rows of dumpsters. Creepy. This alley is creepy.

"Josie said she'd leave the back door propped open for us," Wilder says quietly.

"Did you also promise her sex in exchange for a favor?" I challenge.

He stares down at me, something strange building in his stupidly gorgeous hazel eyes. "You jealous?"

"Psh," I wave off. "Me? Jealous of all the girls you string along? The ones who have no idea you jump from bed to bed without a care in the world. No, never. Why? Why would I be?"

"A simple no would have sufficed," Wilder smirks.

He starts walking, leaving me a few steps behind. I jog to catch up.

"Have you ever done this before?" I ask him, looking around for any sign of life. "Snuck into the movie theatre?"

Wilder slows as we near the door left ajar for our devious entry. "No."

"Why not?"

"Are you going to talk the whole time we're trying to sneak in, Blondie?" he grumbles.

I shake my head. "No."

"Oh, so you do know how to use that word."

"I am not jealous of Karissa and Josie and whoever else you're bumping nasties with this week."

"Could have fooled me," Wilder replies as he grabs the door handle and pulls it open slowly. I sneak a peek over my shoulder. Still no one around.

"Coast is clear," he says quietly as he motions for me to head inside.
