Page 64 of The Summer of Wild

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"Like sneaking into movie theatres or golf courses. Or shopping for overpriced pleated skirts."

"You and Cash never had fun, did you?"

"Cash wasn't allowed to have fun," I frown. He keeps bringing up Cash. It's almost as if he's comparing what Cash and I had to whatever Wilder and I are doing. "The only time we did have fun is when you were around. You always helped Cash step out of his comfort zone."

"I think I help you do the same," he wisely deduces.

"You let me be myself," I swallow hard. "That's a rare gift."

"Is it?" Wilder asks.

"I meant what I said," I inhale sharply. "I don't want you to ignore me after we made out in the sand."

"We made out naked in the sand," he corrects.

"It really bothered me that you kissed me, and then took Hendrix on a date," I confess.

"I didn't mean for it to bother you."

"Well, it did," I reinforce. "If we're doing the bucket list and you're seeing me naked, you don't get to see other girls naked."

"Are you asking me to be exclusive?"

I nod slowly. "Yes."

"That would imply that something is going on between us," Wilder shifts uncomfortably.

"I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend," I clarify. "I've never competed well with other girls. If you're not interested in only kissing me, then I don't think we should kiss at all."

"Anyone ever tell you that you're a good communicator?"

I tuck a strand of damp blond hair behind my ear. "Depends on who I'm communicating with."

"Why the clear communication with me?"

"Because I don't want you to think that this doesn't mean anything to me."

"Like a rebound?"

"You're Wilder," I blow out a tired breath. "You're Cash's best friend, but you've also been a permanent fixture in my life since I started dating Cash. I don't want to lose that. Fighting with you has always been the highlight of my day. You're not a rebound. I know we don't always see eye-to-eye, but you're kind of, sort of, my best friend. At the moment, anyway."

"Can I think about it?"

"Can you think about it quickly?" I laugh nervously. "I'd really like to do more than just kiss you in the dark at the lake."

"Even if we were to kiss more often, we couldn't flaunt it around town. There are too many eyes and ears."

I scratch the side of my face. "You wouldn't want Cash to know?"

"Would you?"

I shake my head. "I guess not. This is just really complicated, and you keep bringing up Cash and it annoys me."

"It annoys me, too, Blondie."

"I hate keeping secrets."
