Page 77 of The Summer of Wild

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"I'm Ingrid," I tell her as she closes the door behind me. "I live a few doors up. My mom is Jill Winthrop."

"Ah," Wilder's mom smiles. "I thought you looked familiar."

"It's nice to finally meet you," I tell her.

"Taya," she places a hand on her navy scrubs. "I'm Taya."

We shake hands as my eyes land on the ID clipped to the pocket of her shirt. Taya Thatcher. Not Cox. So, she changed her last name after her divorce. Interesting.

"It was nice to meet you," I say to her before I head down the hall in search of her son.

The Thatcher house is very different than ours. It's homier. Dozens of family photos line the hallway, and it smells like fresh bread.

I stop when I see a DO NOT ENTER sign nailed to a door. I shake my head as my fingers rap on the faded white paint.

"What?" I hear Wilder's voice.

I push the door open and flash my eyebrows at him. "I'm not interrupting one of your masturbating sessions, am I?"

He closes the book he's reading—wait, he reads?—and sits up straighter on his bed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood," I try to hide a smile.

"Har har," he rolls his eyes.

"You see what I did there?" I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "Because I live three doors up?"

"I figured it out," he shakes his head, mockingly, at me.

"My dad got a job," I cross my arms over my chest. "And I wanted to tell you."

Wilder stands from his bed and walks over to me. "That's amazing. Your parents must be excited."

I nod as Wilder's fingers slide under my chin. The world stops spinning and time slows as his eyes roam my face. His long, dark lashes kiss his skin as he blinks in slow motion, and goosebumps raise on the backs of my arms as he leans forward and sucks my lip into his mouth. My eyes slam shut and my breathing hitches as he steals the air from my lungs. He kisses me gently, savoring the moment, and I slip my hands under his T-shirt, tracing the ridges of his stomach muscles with my fingertips.

"I'm heading—" Taya gasps.

Wilder quickly breaks our kiss as I slip my hands out from his shirt.

"I'm sorry," Taya apologizes. "I was just... how long has this been going on?"

I glance over at Wilder, who's trying not to laugh.

"Uh... I guess a few weeks," he admits.

"She was dating Cash, right?" I can't tell if Taya is disappointed or not.

"Well," Wilder hitches a shoulder, "Cash dumped her, didn't say goodbye to me, and ran off to Europe for the summer."

Taya holds a hand up. "I don't want to know anymore. Just... use a condom, please. And don't have sex while your grandparents are home."

I run an embarrassed hand over my face as Wilder gives me a shit-eating grin. Whatever he's thinking, it cannot be good.

"Oh, we like to have sex at the Winthrop's," Wilder lies. "Jason and Jill even bring us snacks afterward."

"They do not!" I tell Taya. "And we don't... we haven't had... we're..."

"Spit it out, Blondie," Wilder raises an amused eyebrow at me.
