Page 81 of The Summer of Wild

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She's sated as the last remaining rays of daylight slip beneath the horizon. Shrouded in darkness, I let the mask slip. The one that's always up around her. The one I don't dare let her see in the light of day.

"You hungry?" I ask her.

She nods against my shoulder. "Yeah."

I tug the blankets on my bed towards her and wrap her up in them. "I'll be right back."

I slip my jeans and my shirt back on before leaving her in my bed and heading to the kitchen. Grandma and Grandpa are nowhere in sight as I fill up a glass with water and rummage in the cabinets for something to eat. I grab some pretzels and chocolate chip cookies before hurrying back to her.

She shifts slightly as I set the food down and offer her the glass of water.

Blondie takes a long sip before she grins. "We're going to get in so much trouble from your mom."

"I won't tell her if you don't," I say in the dark as I search for the TV remote and click it on. "You up for a movie?"

"Only if you're taking your clothes off," she quips.

"I can do that," I say, quickly stripping down.

She holds open the covers for me and I roll into them, making her laugh.

"You're so immature," she playfully chastises me.

I kiss her lips mid-laugh, catching her off guard. She immediately responds, placing a hand on my cheek and slipping her tongue into my mouth.

A summer with her.

Just one.

That's all I fucking get.

As my hand snakes up her thigh, a lump forms in my throat.

It's not fucking long enough.

Chapter 21

The Lone Weekend

I've been pacing back and forth on the same piece of worn carpet for the past two hours. The moment Mom and Dad left on their weekend getaway this morning, I sent Wilder a text telling him he could come over. But he's still not here. And I'm starting to worry he's regretting what happened last night.

I didn't mean to have mind-numbing sex with him while his grandparents were down the hall. Or watch a movie and cuddle—naked—after I orgasmed so hard, my stomach muscles are still hurting. It sort of just happened.

I also didn't mean to delete my Snapchat accounts for him—my personal and secret one—while he was inside me. It sort of just happened, too. I don't regret it, though. He walked me home after the movie ended, and we made out on the front porch until Mom and Dad flicked the light on a million times trying to embarrass us. Jason and Jill thoroughly enjoyed giving me a hard time when I finally came inside.

There's just one problem. When I suggested to Wilder that he should spend the night tonight, he didn't say no. But he also didn't say yes.

He said, "We'll see."

When Cash used to say that, it meant no. I'm not trying to project here, but I'm starting to wonder if it also means no for Wilder. Wilder is a fuckboy, after all. He's fucked a lot of girls. If I was better versed in fuckboy verbiage, I'd guess we'll see means if I don't have any better offers for tonight, I'll show. But what do I know?

It's not like we're exclusive. I told him he couldn't kiss me if he was kissing other girls. But it's Wilder. I don't know if he'll listen. Besides, it's just a summer fling. Right? Right?

I tug at the end of my ponytail. This is stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Sex complicates everything. It's so complicated that I'm pacing my bedroom hoping Wilder Cox, my former arch-nemesis and the bane of my existence, shows up to have mind-numbing sex with me again. I could lie and say I only want him to stop by because I'm dying to see him naked, but that's not the whole truth. I think I might have feelings for him. The scary, real kind that I've never felt before. I like him, but I know it goes much deeper than that.

Wilder Cox will probably break my heart in ways Cash Allred never could. And I know I won't recover.

But we're not going to focus on that right now. We are going to find something to take my mind off this instead of pacing back and forth like a madwoman. I think I'm going to head to work and see if my check is ready. Because falling for the bad boy who's never been in a committed relationship is toxic. Especially considering I just got out of a four-year relationship myself.
