Page 83 of The Summer of Wild

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"Yeah," Pierre widens his eyes. "Do it for all of us who couldn't."

"You're still young," I roll my eyes. "You only graduated a few years before I did."

"I may have loved a little too recklessly," Pierre winks. "And now I'm entering my spinster phase."

"I will do my best to love as recklessly as you, then," I laugh.

"If you like him more than you've ever liked anyone," Pierre stands, "tell him."

"What if he doesn't care?" I stare up at him.

"The world is your oyster, Ingrid. Take it by the horns."

"You mean take the bull by the horns?" I rephrase.

"Sure," Pierre hitches a shoulder before sauntering into the backroom.

I glance at the envelope in my hand before hugging it to my chest. Pierre is terrible at giving advice, but maybe he has a point. Maybe we're only young once. Maybe I should put it all on the line while I'm still young enough to recover from the absolute heartbreak awaiting me.

As I walk to my car, I check my phone. No new messages. No missed phone calls.

What if Wilder really does regret having sex with me?

You don't get many chances to love recklessly. If you're going to do it, do it now.

Taking the bull by the horns might not be the worst idea in the world.

I run to my car and hop in. There's one bucket list item I don't need Wilder to do. But I know who I'm going to send it to.

My phone is securely perched in Queen Isla's ring light as I strip off my sundress. After doing some research on taking nude selfies, the internet slews claim the best way to do it is to record a video of yourself posing. Then, I should take screenshots of said video. That's apparently the easiest way to ensure full-body nudes.

I can't believe I'm doing Lonely Summer Bucket List Item #8 in the middle of the afternoon by myself. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Pulling my hair out of a ponytail, I let it fall to my shoulders and drag my fingers through it. I press record on my phone and crawl onto my bed. The internet also says to act natural while taking nude selfies, but I'm not sure I can channel natural. I'll do my best.

I sit on my knees and adjust my hair, making sure to angle myself a little more to the right. It's my better side. Photogenically speaking.

"What are you doing?" I hear to my left and let out a terrifying scream.

Wilder laughs as I cover my chest with my arms. "What are you doing here?"

He holds up his phone. "You said I could come over."

"Yeah," I say through ringing ears. "I sent that hours ago."

"Sorry." He actually looks apologetic. "My grandpa wasn't feeling well, so I stayed with him until my mom got home from work."

"Is he okay?" I ask.

Wilder tilts his head to the side. "I think so. Are you doing bucket list item #8?"

"I'm trying to," I blush. "I didn't think you were coming so I thought I'd cross off another item."

He grins as he slowly stalks toward me. "I could have taken the photos for you."

"I have to send them to someone," I remind him.

"Who are you going to send them to?" he whispers as he stops at the edge of my bed.
