Page 89 of The Summer of Wild

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I'm not sure who's more surprised to see Queen Isla and her red suitcase, Mom or Dad. But by the shift in temperature in the room, I know neither is thrilled she's back home.

"Mommy," Isla sticks her bottom lip out and pouts like she used to when we were kids. "He broke up with me."

Mom and Dad share a look before Mom rounds the kitchen island and wraps her arms around Isla.

"I made cookies," Mom hugs her tight.

My eyes land on Dad, who has an indecipherable look on his face. He winks at me before quietly leaving the room. I want to follow him, but Mom shoots me a don't-you-dare-leave-me-alone-with-her look. So, I stay put. Jill Winthrop may have a heart of gold, but she's not cut out for dealing with Isla and her manipulative tactics. My sister may be going through a break up, but she's still heartless.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mom asks her.

Isla shakes her scarlet head. "No. I want to eat cookies and take a nap."

Mom gives her an apprehensive smile. "That sounds like a good plan." Then, she hands over the cookies and we watch Isla, sans her red suitcase, march out of the kitchen.

We're both shocked when moments later we hear her say, "Ingrid, aren't you coming?"

I point to myself and stare at Mom. "Me?"

"You," Mom blinks slowly.

Swallowing hard, I follow my sister up the stairs and to her room. She throws herself down on her bed and lets out a muffled scream into her pillow.

Not sure what to do with myself, I stand in the doorway.

When Isla rolls over, she pats her bed. "Come sit."

Reluctantly, I meander over to her bed and perch on the edge. "What's up?"

"Well," she huffs, "you've been through a break up so I figured you could make me feel better with your sad, sappy Cash-dumped-me story."

And here I thought we were finally having a moment—a real, honest sister moment.

"You're joking, right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Fine, tell me this will get better, then," she holds a hand out, exasperated. "Remember the advice I gave you when Cash dumped you for his mistress, Europe?"

If I recall correctly, she didn't give me advice. Her exact words were: Frank and I aren't like you and Cash. Frank is my best friend. You and Cash aren't really friends. You're more like Mom and Dad. You love each other but you don't want to spend all your time together. Frank and I, well, we're inseparable.

"You didn't give me advice," I remind her. "You told me you and Frank were inseparable. That wasn't helpful, just so you know."

"It's not always about you, Ing," she groans dramatically.

Of course, it's not about me. It's always about Queen Isla.

"Maybe this is a good thing," I offer. "Maybe you needed to get your heart broken."

"That's harsh," she narrows her eyes.

"Cash dumped me," I shrug, "and I've had more fun this summer than I have the past four."

"How is that even remotely helpful?"

"Endings suck but they make way for new beginnings." New beginnings like Wilder.

"That's the worst advice I've ever been given," Isla crosses her arms over her chest, not a single tear in sight.

"Well," I slap my leg before standing. "I tried."
