Page 6 of More Than Words

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Chapter 3

In the two days I’d been there, I had been to eight wine tastings and bought five bottles of wine at each place. I’m not a hoarder; I just like my wine. I wasn’t silly, I didn’t drink and drive, I ordered a shuttle bus and it picked me, and three other people up, and took us to our various destinations. By three pm I’d had enough of wine to have a good buzz going, but I needed a snack and rest before dinner. I walked to the shuttle bus waiting outside —the entire time hoping I didn’t fall over an imaginary obstacle— and climbed in. Those imaginary obstacles had tripped me up a few times; luckily I had been in the safety of my cabin where no one had seen.

My phone rang and I pulled it out of my purse. Unknown number. Should I answer it? If it was Brett, I could make up an excuse as to why I had to get off the phone.

I slide my thumb across the green button.


“Hi Samantha, this is Michael, how are you doing?” The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know a Michael. Who is this? How did you get my number?”

He chuckled. “Sorry Samantha, this is Officer McMann, I pulled you over for speeding two days ago.”

Then it clicked. Of course it was!

“That’s right. You said I had twenty-one days to pay the fine.”

“Yes, that’s correct. I just wanted to call to see how you were doing?”

I was taken aback. How did he get my number, though?

“I’m fine, thank you. Better than before, but how did you get my number? I don’t recall giving it to you.”

The bus went over a bump and I dropped my phone in my lap. I picked it up quickly and placed it back at my ear.

“I wrote your license number down and found your phone number through our database. I also don’t like to see women cry, so you’ve struck a chord with me. Now, how are you doing? Really?”

He was so sweet!

I smiled. “I’m okay. Really. Compared to two days ago, I’m better. Thank you for checking up on me.”

We turned down a familiar driveway and I saw my cabin up ahead.

“You’re welcome. Would you like to have dinner, or a drink one night?”

Brett wasn’t in my life anymore, so why not?

“I’d love to. I’m up at the Hunter for a few days before heading home to Sydney. Can I call you tomorrow?”

“I look forward to it, Samantha.”

We hung up and I smiled.

My head was pounding and I was looking forward to laying down for an hour or two. I wondered if I should eat first… Thinking that was the best course of action, I figured I’d make a quick sandwich and then sleep. The bus stopped and I started to make my way down the stairs.

“Thanks!” I said to the driver. He waved back and we smiled at each other. Opening my handbag to collect the keys—looking down was not a good idea. Locating them quickly, I pulled them out and looked up just as fast hoping the nauseous feeling would pass. Thankfully it did.

I made my way to the cabin’s front door, only twenty or so feet to go, for some reason I kept being pulled to the left.

“Sam.” The voice sounded familiar.

I turned around quickly to see if my mind was playing tricks on me.

Brett stood near the bench seat that overlooked part of the vineyard. He had blood-shot eyes, like he hadn’t slept in days. And his hair was messy, as if he’d been running his hands through it. He only did that when he was stressed, or trying to solve a problem. Even looking like death-warmed-up, he was still beautiful.

My heart started breaking all over again.
