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Her cunt was damp now, cream forming in her core from the teasing and tasting of these attractive men. Attractive not just in looks, but also in actions. Either or both of them could easily have tipped her off them and taken control of this game, but they were honoring her by letting her pretend that the control was all hers.

Soon the urge to take one of them inside her hot cunt would overwhelm her, she knew, but for now she continued exploring, touching them here and there, licking, sucking, nibbling over their bodies, then laying flat on them to kiss each one tenderly.

“Are you about done there? Because if my cock doesn’t get inside you really soon, I’m going to send my seed all over us all,” gasped Ivan.

“Oh, poor Ivan,” she teased, then moved until she was over his body, held his cock at her entry, and slid down, absorbing him deep inside her.

“Come, fill my mouth,” she said to Mitchell.

“At last,” he groaned, wiggling up on his knees and lining his cock up at her face. He was so wide her lips were stretched to take him all in, but she’d done it before and knew she would manage. It took her a little while to synchronize sliding up and down on Ivan’s cock with sucking and releasing Mitchell, but eventually she got a rhythm going, although she had to admit the men were doing a fair bit of the work.

Her body was highly aroused, and sitting over Ivan meant he hit all her most sensitive places, driving her higher and higher very fast. Ivan gripped her hips with his hands, pushing her down hard so his pelvis ground against her nubbin, increasing her pleasure tenfold. Meanwhile, Mitchell steered his cock in and out of her mouth so she could scrape her teeth across his sensitive cockhead, flick her tongue in the little slit to taste his essence, then suck him deep and pull hard on him to bring him ever closer to release.

Faster and faster, the men moved, Claire letting them take charge now as her pleasure burst inside her, shaking her limbs and making her limp with happiness. Ivan’s hot essence filled her cunt as she came, so she knew he’d just been waiting for her to reach her peak before he let go of his own control. She sucked Mitchell’s cock deep into her mouth, as far as she could, then dragged her teeth up the shaft as she let him out. He pushed into her again, and she hollowed her cheeks to bring him higher. It was enough. His seed filled her mouth, and she swallowed hard as she let him slide out, so she could collapse on Ivan’s body, panting with fulfillment.

Mitchell wrapped his arms over both her and Ivan, and they relaxed together for a long time as the tiny light of the fire burned out.

* * * *

They were all awake at dawn, with much to do so they could move to the stronghold that day.

Paul wanted to take everything in one trip if they possibly could, while they had the help of the horse, and that was a sensible plan.

“If we put the grain on the horse, we should be able to carry the rest ourselves,” said Mitchell.

“What about the vegetables though? I want to take them with us,” said Claire. “I can put some in the big cooking pot and more in the two small pots I want to bring, but I don’t think that will accommodate all of them.”

“Can’t you just tie the rest in the blanket? We have to bring the blanket anyway,” suggested Ivan.

Claire nodded. Hard vegetables could be transported in a blanket. She’d make sure the softer vegetables and fruits went in the pot.

It was afternoon by the time they’d packed everything they wanted. The horse didn’t seem concerned with the bags of grain on its back, so they added the big cooking pot as well. Each of them had quite a load to carry, but the men each had one arm free for a weapon, and Claire led the horse. They placed her in the middle of their little group, with Paul leading, Mitchell watching the rear, and Ivan guarding their flanks.

It was an hour’s walk from Paul’s land to the stronghold, but they didn’t hurry as their loads were heavy, and the horse preferred a steady, measured pace. Besides, Claire was enjoying the familiar walk, seeing trees and fields long remembered from her childhood and sadly missed over the past year. Although the past year had given her Ivan and Mitchell, so she couldn’t complain.

When the track turned a corner and the high stone walls of the stronghold were only one hundred paces ahead of them, Claire understood how Paul had felt on seeing his land again. It was home, safety, security, all that meant so much to her. Of course, anywhere with her family was acceptable and manageable. She’d been cared for more than adequately in the forest this past year. But the stronghold was home.

Mitchell’s hamlet was not far to the west of the stronghold. Only a short time later they were walking through the hamlet, and people were coming onto the track to welcome them back.

“Mitchell, you’re back. And with your bride.”

“Did I not say I’d find her? Tomorrow we’ll ask Father Augustus to say the words over us,” replied Mitchell.

“Old Mary never doubted you’d be successful. She’ll be so pleased to see you.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing her, too.”

“She’ll be up at the stronghold. She mostly stays there now.”

Mitchell nodded his thanks.

Mitchell’s house was as Claire remembered it. Bigger than Paul’s house, but not large. Just one spacious room with storage shelves along the back wall, the fire pit, a table and two chairs on one side, and a big bed on the other, with a smaller cot closer to the fire, so Mitchell’s grandmother could stay warm.

Claire collected the heavy pots of vegetables and fruits, and took them one at a time to the storage shelves. They were well filled already. Mitchell and Mary had plenty of food, more than was needed for the two of them. But still, to feed five, she was glad she’d brought all that could be saved from Paul’s house. It wasn’t a lot, but it would be enough to prevent them from getting ill, especially if she could gather some herbs from the forest.

She cooked a simple soup for their evening meal, and all went early to bed, having had a long day with packing, unpacking, and carrying heavy loads. Tomorrow she was to be married, formalizing her relationship with Mitchell and Ivan.

* * * *
