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The two men held her tightly between them, not allowing her to move at all, and began such a slow movement in and out of her that Claire wanted to scream. She was so full, so aroused, so possessed and surrounded by love that she wanted to explode in pleasure immediately. But instead, they drew out so very, very slowly, then pushed back in at a similar pace.

Inside her belly, the pleasure was a tight knot of need, but at the men’s slow teasing, it grew larger and tighter, a ball of desire that she couldn’t ignore.

Desperately she clenched her inner muscles around both cocks, holding them as hard as she could, trying to tell them she wanted them to move faster.

It seemed to work, as they both groaned and did speed up a little, thrusting in deep and hard and a little faster, moving together, always keeping pace with each other, only gradually increasing the speed she so badly needed.

And all the while the ball of need in her belly grew bigger and bigger until it was almost all-consuming.

“Please,” she begged.

“I can’t hold on much longer,” warned Ivan.

“Very well, now then,” said Mitchell.

Both men slammed inside her together, and the ball exploded, shooting fiery sparks of pleasure everywhere in her body from her toes to the top of her head. Heat burst in her cunt and her ass as both men released their seed, and the heat kept the ball of pleasure inside her going on and on, until her limbs were too weak to hold her up.

“So good, thank you,” she whispered, sinking deep into the soft bed.

“It’s just the beginning,” said Mitchell.

“Oh yes,” agreed Ivan.

Chapter Seven

Mary sat in the summer sunshine on the bench Ivan had built her against the wall of Paul’s house. She loved the sunshine. It soothed all her aches and pains. During the winter, some days it had been so very hard to get out of bed and walk. Every bit of her had ached with the cold, even though she sat by the fire wrapped in her winter cloak and a blanket as well. But now, she moved much more easily, the heat soaking into her skin and bones, bringing life back into her old body.

Claire was the perfect daughter-by-law. No woman could have been more caring of an old grandmother. She made food especially for Mary, always ensuring she had the tenderest pieces of meat, and tastiest vegetables, as her old tongue no longer recognized flavors as it had in years gone by.

Finding out Ivan was part of the marriage, too, had been a surprise. But if Mitchell was happy with the arrangement, so was she. And he’d been wonderful to her. She patted the bench he’d built her, placed exactly in the right position not only to catch the warmth of the sun, but also to watch out over the fields where Paul and the other men could often be seen, planting, sowing, weeding, and caring for the crop. It was also close to the vegetable garden, so she could talk to Claire as she worked there.

They had first planted Mitchell’s fields, and he went back there to check them each week, sometimes taking one of the other men so they could weed between the young grain. But most of their time was spent here. Between caring for the crop, a larger crop than Paul or Mitchell had ever planted before since there were five of them to feed now, the men had been building a house for Mitchell, Ivan, and Claire. It was bigger than Paul’s house, with the assumption that one day there’d be children as well. At present, it had walls and a roof, but the interior was unfinished. They slept there at night, but Claire cooked at Paul’s house, and they all ate there. All the food and their possessions were temporarily stored at Paul’s house, too.

Mary turned her thoughts to a wife for Paul. With Claire cared for, and the land in good condition and three men to keep it that way, the next step was to find a bride for Paul. While they all worked together every day, he wouldn’t get lonely, but Mary knew she was certain to die sooner rather than later, and with her gone, once Claire had children, Paul would feel very much alone.

The young women at the stronghold were interested in Paul, but so far he didn’t seem to have his eye on any particular one. Well, she’d have to arouse his interest somehow. But which young woman would suit him? Someone who would cook for him once Claire became too busy with her own family. Someone who understood the land and would work with Claire in the vegetable garden. Someone he could talk to. Mary had noticed he loved to have long conversations about anything and everything. She enjoyed listening to the young people as they talked on all sorts of things around the fire at night. Paul’s woman would need to be intelligent as well as hardworking and pretty. But who?

* * * *

Claire had been carefully looking at all the young women at the stronghold. It was more than time Paul found a bride. She wanted a woman for him who would work by his side, but one who could entertain his sharp brain as well. Or, she giggled to herself, maybe two women, one skilled in each area. Or even three, one for him to bed with as well. She snorted and tried to be serious. As she worked, she compiled a list of potential partners in her head. The next time they were at the stronghold, she’d make sure they sat down to dinner with a few of these women so that he could get to know them better.

* * * *

The crops were growing well. It had been a good season with just enough rain to feed the crop, but not so much the soil washed away. Now the grain was tall and strong, Mitchell and Ivan were working hard on finishing their house. Ivan was making shelves for the back wall. “I want to make plenty of shelves so that as our family grows we won’t have to pull the shelves down and build more,” he explained to Claire and Mitchell.

Paul had made them a table, and Mitchell had constructed two benches. “Easier to build than stools, and more people can fit on them,” he explained.

They’d all worked together to make the bed. The men had built a solid frame. “With three of us, it needs to be sturdy,” said Mitchell.

“Anything you sit on needs to be sturdy,” joked Ivan.

Then they’d gathered sweet-smelling bracken for the bedding. Mitchell had bartered for a length of tough cloth, and Claire had stuffed it with the bracken, making a deep, thick mattress over which they’d laid a blanket, then their cloaks, and the furs from the forest.

Ivan looked around their house. A thick piece of wood stood ready to bar their door. The fire pit was dug deep and surrounded by large, flat rocks that Claire could use as cooking stones or to rest her pots on. Already there was a good stack of fuel in a corner, and the shelves were filling with ripened vegetables, fruits, and some edible grasses Claire had gathered from the forest.

His heart was full of joy. In some ways this house was more his home than his childhood home with his parents had ever been. Here he’d worked hard to achieve all that they’d made, and he’d done it with his two best friends in the world. Men he respected and honored.

Here, he would lie with his wife and his partner. Here, he would raise their children, hopefully, one day. All his hopes and dreams were encompassed by the four sturdy wooden walls, walls he’d constructed himself. He’d helped cut down the trees and prepare the wood. He’d climbed on the roof to help thatch it. But all had been done with his friends. Friends closer than brothers, men he loved and admired. And here he would be with the woman he treasured above all things.
