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He really was a beautiful animal. Not big for a wolf, but handsome, with mostly black fur, four gray feet, and a gray tail and nose. His eyes stayed the same, liquid, sexy pools so dark a brown as to be almost black. Damn, he was sexy.

Iain looked at them both, lifted his nose to the breeze, gave a soft yip, and began to run. Kade let Mermae go before him, since he knew she’d tire first. Not that she was weak in any way, just that he was bigger and stronger than her.

Iain led them back to the shallow creek, where they splashed around and played for a little while, then he tilted his head to the sky.

“Time for us to fly?” guessed Kade.

Iain gave another soft yip. So Kade held Mermae’s hips and tossed her up into the air. Almost immediately she caught a breeze and rose steadily until she was just above the treetops.

Kade climbed a tree, careful not to rub his cock against the bark, and jumped off a branch, having to twist and turn for a while until he caught the same draft as Mermae, and could join her. Iain ran along the ground following them, copying their actions as he so often did when they flew together.

Kade loved flying. It was so freeing to just lie back and let the wind take him this way and that, raising him higher, dropping him lower, turning him to the right and the left as it willed. This time, though, it was all about Iain, so Kade was careful to pay attention that they didn’t get too far ahead of the wolf, or travel too close to the border of the property.

Being naked was interesting too. The breezes teased his cock and balls, fluttered under his arms, sent tendrils of feeling along his spine. It was incredibly erotic and he planned to do it again sometime, when he could relax and enjoy it a little more.

After a while, he flew across to Mermae, and took her hand. Together they dropped down to the earth again, and hugged the wolf. Iain shook his shaggy neck at them and began to run. Back they ran to a grassy space, and there Iain stopped, giving himself a good shake.

This time was supposed to be sex in wolf form, but they couldn’t do that. However, they could show their love for the wolf. Kade kneeled down and petted the wolf, giving him a full body hug, and even kissing his snout.

Iain’s tongue flicked out, and he licked Kade’s nose. Kade laughed.

Mermae now began stroking Iain’s fur, petting him in long, slow strokes from nose to tail, then rubbing behind his ears.

Iain rolled over like a puppy, with his legs in the air, and both of them rubbed his belly. Finally, he stood again, shook himself and transformed.

The three of them hugged again, then Mermae stretched out her arms for Iain and he slid into her cunt.

Kade pressed his cock at Iain’s back entry, hoping it didn’t hurt too much without lube, but Iain had said it had to be this way, and he should be somewhat stretched from the earlier sex.

Kade slid in easily enough, incredibly aware of them being out of doors, lying on grass, in the open. In this position he couldn’t see the moon, but he’d noticed it was already up as they’d been flying, so it was properly Halloween. I hope the spirits of the wolf bless our union. All the spirits out this night.

For Kade, commitment had become more important, as he wanted to formalize their relationship, wanted his partners to know he would put their needs and happiness above his own from now on. It was his promise to them both.

But Kade knew it was much more than this for Iain. For Iain, without the formal mating, it was as if he wasn’t a whole person—that a physical piece of him was missing. Kade hoped that after tonight, Iain would feel the unity and belonging he so obviously needed in his life.

The cool air brushed over Kade’s back with an erotic touch. The glow of the moon surrounded them on the grass, as if it were giving them its blessing, and the more he held his partners, the more he understood that this day would forever be a special memory for the three of them.

His cock was so hard and full it was almost painful. Even without lube, Iain’s ass was so hot and tight that drawing in and out of it was exquisite torture. To be gripped and welcomed was heaven. But then he had to withdraw, just to be accepted again. He wanted to stay inside forever, but he desperately needed to come as well.

Tonight was all about Iain, though, and there was no way he was going to blast his cum into the wolf until the wolf had already climaxed. But hell, his damn dick was about to kill him.

Desperately, Kade changed his angle then drove deep into Iain, aiming to hit the wolf’s prostate. He felt the hard ball connect with the tip of his cock, but it was too much for his iron control, already stretched to the limit, and his cock exploded with stream after stream of cum into Iain’s ass.

Kade gripped Iain’s hips, unable to move as his cock continued to jet seed, and through his hands, he felt Iain’s release as Iain’s hips powered into Mermae.

Mermae leaned forward and pressed her teeth into Iain’s shoulder. Kade had forgotten this part of the ritual, and urgently added his teeth to Iain’s other shoulder. Iain groaned, then bit Mermae. Kade carefully locked his legs around both Mermae and Iain to roll them onto their sides, unsure how they could stay connected and Iain still bite him.

But with astonishing flexibility, Iain twisted around, pulled Kade’s shoulder right forward, and drove his teeth into the muscle.

The endorphins from his orgasm were still rolling through his body, so there was only a slight sharp pain, then a feeling of power and togetherness rushed over him.

The three of them clung together for a long time, before disentangling themselves.

“I hope you know the way back to the cabin, because all I know is, it’s sort of over there,” said Mermae, waving her right arm.

“I’m pretty sure I can find it as a human, but if not, I can always change back to my wolf and scent it out,” said Iain. “We don’t want to get cold, so let’s run.” He grabbed Mermae’s hand with one of his, and Kade’s with the other, and they began to run in the direction Mermae had indicated.

Kade was filled with energy. He had no stiff muscles from already having run, and no tiredness from all their exercise today. It was as though he could run and run forever.
