Page 18 of Fevered Fury

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“Let’s get to work,” I said. “We’ve got a fiery king to dethrone. This ifrit needs to learn about boundaries.”

“Speaking of boundaries,” Niko drawled, his gaze locked with Riker’s, “let’s make sure our priorities remain... unclouded by personal interest.”

“Stop it, Niko,” I said quietly to him. “Don’t run off Riker.”

“As long as you don’t run off with him,” he said.

I blew out a breath.

These two guys were going to be the death of me.

If the djinni didn’t kill us all first.


The clock on the wall ticked a steady rhythm as I lounged against the back of my chair, trying to project calm I didn’t feel. The last day had been a blur of preparations and hushed phone calls, but now it was time to regroup and share our battle strategies. Helen sashayed into the room and Elijah trailed behind her, his gaze clouded in thought rather than his usual haze.

“My darlings,” Helen announced, “we’ve got a plan that’s hotter than a Disco Inferno.”

Elijah perked up, his eyes clearing as he took over. “So, we’ve been brainstorming with Cairo, who’s pretty much a magical Swiss Army knife, minus the tiny scissors.”

“Minus the tiny scissors,” I echoed, struggling to maintain the lighthearted facade.

Rescuing Poppy from the clutches of that ifrit tyrant was all that mattered.

“First off,” Helen continued, sweeping a hand dramatically, “our defenses. Cairo’s cooked up some protective spells that’ll make us harder to detect—like a cloaking device, Star Trek style.”

“Let’s just hope Zayn’s minions aren’t Trekkies,” I muttered, earning a few snickers from the team. Humor was my shield, and I wielded it with the skill of a seasoned warrior—or so I liked to think.

“Offenses?” I prompted, eager to hear about the firepower we’d be packing.

“Ah, yes,” Elijah said, rubbing his hands together. “Cairo’s tapping into some elemental mojo. We’re talking fireballs, gusts of wind?—”

“Please tell me there’s an ice spell in there somewhere,” I interrupted. “Because the last thing we need is Dallas turning into a barbecue pit because of our escapades.”

“Consider your request... coolly noted,” Helen said, flashing me a grin.

“Anyway,” Elijah resumed, “we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves—literally.” He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a thin, shimmering bracelet. “These babies will let us conjure up shields on the fly. Because nothing says ‘buzz off’ like a magic barrier. Got ’em from that witch at the market.”

“Nice,” I nodded, impressed despite myself. “Looks like we’re locked and loaded then.”

“Magically speaking, yes,” Helen confirmed. “And trust me, sweetheart, when I say we’re ready to face Zayn.”

I eyed the trio skeptically as they commandeered the room’s only whiteboard. “Cairo, tell me more about your magic?”

“Right,” Cairo began, his finger tracing an elaborate rune in the air, “we’ll be setting up magical wards along our infiltration route. These will not only protect us but also alert us to any... unwelcome guests.”

“Like Zayn’s fiery goons?” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. The thought of running into those ifrit lackeys turned my stomach into a pretzel.

“Exactly,” Helen chimed in, flipping her bouffant hair back with a practiced flourish. “And darling, these aren’t just any wards.

“Also,” Cairo said with a modest bow. “I shall weave spells of fire, bind the wind to our will, and shroud us in shadows. And should we need a swift exit, I can conjure a gust strong enough to whisk us away.”

“Let’s try to avoid turning this into a scene from ‘The Wizard of Oz,’“ I said, half-joking.

Just then, Niko strolled into the room, a smirk playing on his lips as though he had just won at poker. His blue eyes sparkled with that wolfish cunning, and I knew he’d been out prowling in more ways than one.

“Found some promising spots,” he announced, brushing back a lock of dark hair that stubbornly fell over his forehead. “The tunnels under downtown are crisscrossed like a giant game of Twister, but without the fun.”

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