Page 46 of Fevered Fury

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“Only if your idea of home decor comes from ‘Dungeon Keeper Monthly’,” I said. Then, skewering Riker with a look, I added, “We’ll need your expertise on avoiding those. Traps are kind of your bread and butter, aren’t they?”

“Mm,” Riker grunted in acknowledgment, not even looking at me.

* * *

I leaned back against the edge of my desk, watching the group huddle around the map. Elijah was pointing to various spots. Helen was adding her two cents with a dramatic flair, but I couldn’t help letting my gaze slide over to Riker. His jaw still clenched tighter than a bear trap, and the muscle ticking in his cheek was a clear giveaway that he was about ready to start throwing punches.

Or maybe just throw one punch. At Niko.

“I think Helen’s right,” Niko suggested, his fingers tracing lines on the map as if he could feel the ley lines pulsing beneath it. “We can use a diversion. Something to draw Zayn’s forces away from the main entrance.”

“Like a bonfire?” I mused, unable to resist poking at the tension. If looks could ignite, Riker’s glare aimed at Niko would have had us all up in flames.

“Exactly,” Niko replied, either unaware of or unfazed by Riker’s simmering anger. “Something... distracting.” The look he shot me was practically steaming.

Riker growled again but turned his attention back to the map. “Straight-on frontal assault sounds like a great idea right now.”

“Only if the stealthy approach fails,” I said firmly, even though I knew he wasn’t really talking about the attack on the King of the Djinn.

“Stealth seems smart,” Elijah agreed. “Especially when we’re dealing with someone who can literally set the air on fire.”

“Let’s go over this one more time,” Helen suggested.

After several more minutes of discussion, I finally said, “Okay. We’ve got a lair to infiltrate, and a fire djinn king to dethrone. Are we good?”

“Always,” Niko drawled.

“Good as gold,” Elijah assured me.

“Hotter than hell,” Helen added with a wink.

“Ready,” Riker stated simply.

“Then let’s get this party started,” I announced, feeling the thrill of the hunt rise within me.


* * *

The air crackled with anticipation as we piled out of the car and headed toward the miniature pyramid that housed our entrance. The sky was painted in strokes of twilight, and I could almost hear the hum of magic threading through the city as if it too sensed the showdown brewing.

“Remember, stealth is key,” I whispered over my shoulder, casting a glance at Riker’s hulking form looming behind me.

“Subtlety isn’t exactly my forte,” he grumbled back.

“Could’ve fooled me,” Niko said, sidling up next to me with that easy grin that made my heart do a silly little somersault. “You blend right in with the shadows.”

I shot a warning glare at Niko. If he didn’t stop antagonizing Riker, we’d have a brawl before we even got to the tunnels.

At the sight of my expression, Riker let out a single, dry chuckle, flexing his arms as if warming up for a fight. “I could kill…something…right now.”

This time, my glare was directed at Riker.

“Just point me in the right direction,” he added blandly.

“Does anyone else feel like we’re walking into a fairy tale?” Helen asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “Only instead of a big bad wolf, we’ve got a pissed-off djinn?”

“A bedtime story gone wrong,” I said, “with a serious lack of sleeping beauty and an abundance of fire-breathing dragons.”

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