Page 53 of Fevered Fury

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“Because if they did,” Riker grunted, heaving himself into a sitting position, “we’d both be out of a job.”

“Ha, jobs are overrated.” I let my body flop back onto the ground, the cool concrete a welcome respite against the heat still radiating from my skin. Turns out a little fire magic tends to turn the thermostat up to inferno levels.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Poppy said, her voice soft but earnest. She offered Cairo a hand, helping him to his feet. They looked like they belonged on the cover of ‘Rescued Lovers Weekly’—which would totally be a hit in the supernatural tabloids. After a moment, Cairo and Poppy’s whispered words of love filled the space.

I pushed myself to a stand, feeling the room sway slightly as I did. Okay, maybe more than slightly. “Right then. Let’s not overstay our welcome. There’re cold beers with our names on them somewhere, and I intend to introduce myself properly.”

Bending over, I snagged the bottle and dropped it into my pocket.

‘King Zayn Goes to Bottle Jail,’ the headlines would read.

That was a story I’d like to read.


After beer.


The stench of char and magic still clawed at my nostrils as I kicked a chunk of concrete aside, making a path through the rubble. I was a total, speckled with ash. Who knew being a supernatural bounty hunter would involve so much laundry?

“Okay, y’all, let’s book it out of this underground barbecue pit,” I announced, flicking a piece of charred debris from my singed sleeve. “Office sweet office is calling our names.”

We navigated through the labyrinth of destruction, my boots crunching over the remnants of Zayn’s temper tantrum. Helen and Elijah trailed behind, trading soft quips about needing hazard pay. Their banter was like the comforting hum of a well-worn engine.

“Can’t wait to sink into my chair,” Helen muttered, her voice a mix of exhaustion and dry humor. “My feet are staging a mutiny.”

The hot night air hit me as we emerged from the garage. Despite the grime and the lingering tension, there was something invigorating about being out in the open again.

“Home stretch, guys,” I said, leading the way toward the SUV.

When we arrived at the nondescript building that housed our little operation, I said, “Let’s go tally up the score and put this hellish night behind us.”

Cairo and Poppy followed us inside, their hands still clasped tightly together. They had defied laws and kings, a reminder that sometimes the rules were meant to be rewritten.

Or, in this case, set ablaze and danced around like a bonfire.

“Hey, Tessa,” Cairo said. “Thanks for... everything.”

“Part of the service,” I shot back, winking. “No supernatural love story left behind.”

I sighed, collapsing into my chair. “Now, who’s ready to file an ‘I survived’ report?”

“How about I just turn in that bottle tomorrow for the reward?” Riker asked.

“Sure.” I fished it out of my pocket and handed it over, knowing Riker would bring us our share of the bounty.

He always did the right thing.

As laughter filled the room, I leaned back and closed my eyes.

The heat within me simmered, a reminder of the power I now possessed.

I stretched my legs, the muscles aching with a kind of fiery post-battle fatigue.

I really did need a drink.

“Cairo, Poppy,” I said, brushing dust and ashes from my shirt. “Join us for some drinks? First round’s on me.”
