Page 57 of Fevered Fury

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“Thank you,” Poppy added, her eyes meeting mine. There was a depth of gratitude there that needed no words.

“Hey, no mushy goodbyes,” I warned playfully, though my throat tightened just the same. “We’ve already got enough drama to start our own supernatural soap opera.”

“Go on, get out of here before I start crying and ruin my makeup,” Helen said, waving them toward the door.

“Poppy, Cairo,” Elijah chimed in, offering a lazy salute, “it’s been real.”

“More than you know,” Cairo replied, inclining his head in respect.

With one last round of hugs, the djinn and his human love stepped out into the sunlight, embarking on a journey to bridge two very different worlds.

We watched them go, and then Helen turned back to me. “Speaking of supernatural soap operas,” she said, “I expect front-row seats to your upcoming emotional rollercoaster, Tessa. Remember, communication is key.”

“Thanks, Dr. Heels,” I drawled, rolling my eyes but secretly appreciating the reminder that she was available to listen. My love life might be a beast I hadn’t yet tamed, but at least I wasn’t facing it alone.


I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with Niko and Riker.

Much less trying to choose between them.

“All right,” I said, breaking the contemplative silence. “Back to hunting monsters. We can sort out heartaches later.”

“Oh, dear heart,” Helen said, arching an immaculately shaped brow. “Are we not going to talk about the werewolf and the hunter in the room yet?”

“Let’s save that for something stronger than coffee,” I replied, a wry grin spreading across my face.

“Good plan,” Elijah agreed, already lighting up. “Let’s go get breakfast. I’m thinking pancakes? Or maybe migas?”

“Make them fiery hot, and you’ve got yourself a deal,” I laughed, the heaviness I’d been feeling lifting ever so slightly. “After all, we have a theme to keep going.”

* * *
