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“Well, for a while it felt like no dog could ever compare to Moose. Seeing dogs makes me feel…sad?” His forehead scrunches as he thinks about what emotion he felt. Something he’s always done when big feelings were involved. “Yeah, sad,” he decides.

“And now?”

He sighs. “I’d like a dog. But I travel so much, it doesn’t seem fair to him… or her.”

I grin, and when he sees my expression, his eyebrows draw together. “No, Amber. You’re going to be taking care of a baby and healing from your surgery. This is not the time for a dog.”

I stick out my bottom lip as far as I can. “Come on.”


“But this is finally something I can do for you! After I’m cleared for normal activity, which should be two weeks since it’s a minor procedure, we can get a dog. I’ll be home to care for it, and when I find a job, I’ll come home for lunch to walk him or her. It’s perfect. Please let me do this. It makes this whole thing feel less one-sided.”

He groans and grips the steering wheel tighter. “We’ll talk about it after your surgery.”

I clap my hands together. “I’ll convince you. I can be very persuasive.” I waggle my eyebrows for effect, and it’s not until I notice the deep blush spreading across Ford’s face and ears that I realize how suggestive that sounded.

Clearing his throat, he changes the subject. “I have a question, and it seems kind of personal, so you don’t have to answer.”

I nod my head. I’m not concerned about the question being personal because I’m an open book, especially with Ford.

“Should we be worried about Theo? Like, does he have any parental rights or anything?”

Ford’s strong throat works as he swallows, and I wonder if it pains him to talk about Theo. He’s always hated him. I’m pretty sure Ford has harder feelings toward the man than I do. And I’m the one who Theo ended an engagement with…when I was pregnant with his child.

I turn my body so I’m facing him. “You don’t need to worry about that. Theo could establish paternity, but I haven’t heard from him in a year. He wasn’t interested, at all, in being a father when he had just finished his residency.” I believe his exact words were, I can finally enjoy life again, I can’t take care of a baby. But I’m not telling Ford that—he already hates Theo enough as it is.

Ford blows out a long breath. “Okay, that’s good.” His eyes widen. “I mean, not that he wasn’t there for you…but that he shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I knew what you meant.” I lay a hand on his arm, and he doesn’t flinch or act annoyed. Instead, his ears turn red again.

“Since we’re talking about the big stuff, we should probably come up with a story. I imagine your teammates, and your family, are going to wonder why we got married after never even dating… and so quickly.”

He relaxes, his hands easing on the steering wheel again. “You’re right. Any ideas?”




It’s the day after Amber, Nella, and I drove back to D.C., and I just finished early morning practice. I’m exhausted, and the guys, of course, wanted to know why I took off to Ohio without a word. I told them, word for word, what Amber and I discussed in the car. Basically, her impending heart procedure made her really think about her life, and she knew in that moment she loved me. I felt the same way, and we got married.

Bruce, West, Colby, Mitch, and myself are the last ones in the locker room, and after telling them about our quickie marriage, they’re staring at me with their mouths open, but none of them are saying a word.

I swallow and adjust my shoulders. “So, you see. The whole heart surgery thing made us both realize we want to be together. And why wait? You know? We’re already thirty-four, and life is too short.”

They continue staring, not one of them even blinking for a solid five seconds.

Colby finally breaks the horrifying silence. “Well, Remy, I’m happy for you! I know you’ve held a candle for that girl forever.” He moves toward me and slaps me hard on the back. “I’m throwing you a party. Or do they call it a reception? Either way, we’re celebrating.”

I smile, but it doesn’t feel real. It feels like a disguise.

West’s eyebrows are still high on his forehead, but he follows Colby’s lead and gives me a side hug. “Yeah man, I’m happy for you. It just seems so unlike you to get married all of a sudden. But it makes sense, with her heart issues and all, I guess. Let us know if you need help while she’s recovering, yeah?”

“Thanks, I appreciate the offer. And Amber will too.”

Mitch grabs his duffle bag and takes a step toward the exit. But first, he slams a hand awkwardly against my arm. “Congrats, man. This is weird as hell, but whatever.”
