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Colby narrows his eyes at me then carefully places one big hand under Nella’s head and another behind her back. He lifts her into his arms and beams at her. “Girls don’t have blow outs,” he tells her. “I don’t believe that guy for a second.” He shoots me a glare.

A loud yawn comes from the stairs, and I glance over to see Amber walking into the living room, looking a little more rested. And a little too sexy, in her nursing nightgown, for my comfort. Colby looks over, hearing her enter the room. He must want to stay alive, because his gaze quickly darts back to Nella.

Colby is a great guy, and he’s good to his fiancée, Noel. But Amber is wearing too little clothing around another man for my liking. Honestly, I shouldn’t even be seeing her like this. But I won’t stand for any other man to see her in her nightie either.

I stand, whipping off my hoodie, walking toward her, then swooshing it over her small frame. It nearly comes to her knees, which is still more leg than I’d like anyone to see. But it’s an improvement.

Amber blinks at me but pushes her arms through the sleeves. Her green eyes widen when she spots Colby holding Nella, and she offers me a coy smile and a nod of her head in silent thanks for the hoodie.

“Well, good morning,” she says brightly, moving farther into the room and sitting on the couch. “I didn’t know we had company.”

Colby shoots her that winning, dimpled grin that makes all the girls swoon. She remains smiling, but she doesn’t faint or blush. I release a silent breath, relieved she doesn’t seem to have an insta-crush on Colby Knight like every other female on the planet.

“I’m Colby. I’m Remy’s teammate, but I also live next door.”

“You belong to Noel, right?”

Colby grins. “Yes, ma’am.”

“I didn’t realize you lived right next door,” Amber says, glancing at me. “Do any of your other teammates live in the neighborhood?”

I nod, my shoulders tensing. Up until this moment, I was thrilled to have three of my teammates living on the same street, but now that Nella and Amber are here…does this mean a steady stream of unexpected visitors? The thought, along with my mother’s visit and Amber’s impending surgery, makes my heart race. I roll my lips together and push a hand into the pocket of my shorts. I find my pocket empty, and remember the coin is up in my room. Another piece of my routine forgotten in the chaos.

Swallowing, I force my shoulders back, hoping to look relaxed. “Yeah, actually West recently bought a house down the street, and Mitch bought one around the corner. Mitch and Andie aren’t moving in until after their wedding, though.”

Colby chuckles. “Probably only a matter of time until Bruce joins us. But he’s still enjoying the pleasures of penthouse life.”

“Bruce is the goalie?” she asks, worrying her bottom lip as if trying to memorize all the names being thrown at her.

“Yep, that’s him,” Colby answers, then pulls out his phone and snaps a selfie of him and Nella. He looks down at his phone, typing something. “Noel is going to be so jealous I’m holding the baby.” He sets his phone on the rug and tickles Nella’s belly. “She’s adorable, by the way.”

Nella kicks her feet and coos.

Amber stands and takes a step toward them. “Thank you, I agree. I’m afraid I need to steal her from you though.” She wrinkles her nose in apology. “If I don’t feed her in the next five minutes, she’s going to get really pissed off.”

Colby’s jaw drops, and he turns his attention to the smiling infant again. “These two keep talking shit about you. The audacity.”

I clear my throat. “Language, Knight.”

“Gah! Sorry.”




When I start getting comfortable on the couch to feed Nella, Colby makes a quick exit. Ford following behind to walk him out. It’s nice having people drop by. I never had that in Ohio. However, Ford looked pretty miffed the entire time.

When Ford walks back into the living room, he seems calmer and more relaxed. I don’t think he appreciates surprise visitors as much as I do.

“You okay?” I ask as he settles down on the couch a few feet away from me.

He groans, leaning forward and running his hands through his hair. The messier Ford’s hair is, the more stressed he is. This isn’t a good sign.

“Was Nella difficult for you?” Suddenly, I feel horrible for taking a nap and leaving him to take care of her. He’s already doing enough for us as it is.

His head comes up, those dark brows knitting together. “What? No.” He scoots closer to us. “She was great. And I was happy to help.” He pauses, but I know there’s more he wants to say because those eyebrows of his give everything away, whether he realizes it or not. “It was just a wild morning. You know I like my routine; I won’t deny it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t adjust to a new one, okay? Just…be patient with me.”

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