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“You still don’t sleep well?”

“Unfortunately, that part of me hasn’t changed since I was a teen.”

I allow myself to study him for a moment, taking in those bottomless eyes that make me feel like I can see straight into his soul. A soul so pure and so selfless and so beautiful, it almost makes my heart ache.

For years, I think the camaraderie we felt toward each other, both being underdogs, made me unable to see him as anything but a friend. But now? I just see a very handsome, very wonderful man. A man who has always taken care of me and made me happy. If only I’d seen it sooner—not that I’d change anything, since all my past decisions led to a little girl I love more than I thought I ever imagined I could.

But wow, what if I could’ve been with Ford for real, all this time? I think he might’ve cherished me…as more than a friend. Or maybe I’m just dreaming. Ford is untarnished, a gentle soul, and I’ve already given away so many pieces of my heart.

“What is going through that mind of yours?” Ford asks, his voice as soft as velvet, but as deep as those eyes of his. A voice I’d like to feel whispering against my mouth, my neck, my…everywhere.

I smile, hoping the emptiness of regret isn’t written across my face. “Just thinking about you and what a good man you are.”

His eyebrows raise in surprise. “Um, thank you.”

Laughing softly, I pull the covers up to my chin, making myself comfortable. His mattress is firm, but also soft, just like the man who sleeps in it. It’s the most comfortable mattress I’ve ever laid my body on. I have a feeling I’ll sleep like a baby in here. “Go to sleep. You have early practice tomorrow.”

He groans, the sound doing something weird to my stomach. “All right. Goodnight, wife.”

I know he said it in jest, but hearing the word wife come out of his mouth sends chills down my body. I tug the blankets closer again. “Goodnight, husband.”




The next morning, while Ford is at practice, I’m sitting on my bed—Ford’s bed—just about to take a sip of coffee, when I receive a text from a random number.

Nella is down for her morning nap, Farrah is having a very intense phone conversation in the guest room down the hall from Nella’s room, and Mrs. Remington—Sally—went with Ford to watch his practice.

I tap on the text, thinking it’s probably confirming my pre-op appointment tomorrow morning, but I’m pleasantly surprised at what I find.

Unknown number:

Hey Amber! This is Mel! (West’s wife) Welcome to the WAG CHAT!

Unknown number:

Welcome Amber! Can’t wait to hang with you. This is Andie, Mitch’s almost-wife.

Unknown number:

Welcome to the insanity, girl. (From Noel, Colby’s fiancée.)

With a big smile on my face, I save their numbers to my phone, just as they introduced themselves.


Wow! I’m so honored. What does WAG mean?


We have so much to teach you. *GIF of Patrick from SpongeBob rubbing his hands together*


WAG stands for wives and girlfriends (specifically ones attached to a professional athlete)

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