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I smile at that. I can totally picture Ford being the dad of the group. The responsible one who quietly blends in while making sure everyone else is taken care of.


You’re all so kind. And a night in sounds perfect. I’m sure Ford won’t mind letting the guys take over his house for an evening. And wow, Nella is going to have a blast with the guys!


You mean YOUR house.

I grimace. I’m already bad at this acting thing.


LOL right. I keep forgetting. I’m looking forward to it! Thank you for welcoming me into the fold.

Setting my phone down, I lean against the headboard and smile to myself. Friends. I already have friends here…a sort of family. A group that looks after each other. I haven’t felt like I had that since I was a teen and could still hang with Ford at his family’s house. I think I’ll adjust to D.C. just fine.

Ford is seated beside me in one of the patient rooms at my new cardiologist’s office, and he looks as tense as I feel as my surgeon goes over the pre-op instructions.

“Make sure you arrive at seven in the morning—that’s one hour before the procedure. Like I explained, I will likely place the catheter in your left wrist, so you’ll have a small incision there,” Dr. Montgomery says, pointing to a large poster on the wall of the human body that shows all the major arteries and blood vessels.

“And no sex or physical activity for at least two weeks. After your two-week post-op appointment, I’ll let you know if you’re cleared for sexual activity.” She pauses, taking in our expressions. “You two are married, right?”

Ford nods his head once.

Dr. Montgomery laughs, her dark skin crinkling around her mouth and eyes. She runs a hand nervously through her black hair and blows out a breath. “Whew, I thought I made things awkward.” She turns her attention to me. “Do you have any questions?”

“How soon afterward can I nurse my baby?” I ask, unable to think of any other questions. She was very thorough in explaining everything during our appointment. If I’m honest, I like her much better than the doctor I was seeing in Ohio. She’s warmer, almost motherly.

The doctor smiles. “I’d like you to be off any pain medication for a full day before you nurse. Everyone’s pain level is different, so use the medication however long you feel you need it. I recommend taking it for a day or two. After that, you could try going without.”

“Okay, that sounds doable.” I offer her a smile, but it feels wobbly. This is really happening. Tomorrow. They’ll just sedate me, and hopefully I’ll wake up again.

“I know it’s nerve wracking, but you’re in good hands with our team here. I perform this procedure several times each week, along with other, more difficult ones.”

I blow out a deep breath, but my heart is racing. And I don’t think it’s because there’s a tiny hole in it. “You’re right. I’ll be okay, I’ve just never been under anesthesia before. It seems so weird to go to sleep and then wake up with a repaired heart.”

“I always tell my patients to try and do something relaxing the day before surgery, do something to ease your mind and body. Maybe take a bubble bath or watch a good movie. And don’t forget, no eating after midnight. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, okay?”

I nod my head, unable to form words as the intensity of my nerves escalates so much I can barely think.

From my peripheral vision, I notice Ford standing and shaking the doctor’s hand, then saying, “Thank you, Dr. Montgomery.”

The door clicks, and the room becomes eerily quiet. Ford doesn’t sit in the chair next to me again. Instead, he crouches in front of me. Placing his large, warm hands on my knees.

“You okay in there?” His deep voice croons, making my nerves calm down just a little. If only he’d keep talking to me in that deep, soothing tone.

He waits for me to answer, but I can’t. I feel a hot tear drop down my face and onto my jeans.

“Hey, I’m right here, Ambs. You’re going to be okay. I know it’s scary, but you’re going to be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” He says it so fervently, so intently, that I believe him.

He lets me sit there for a minute, tears streaming down my face, before he sits back down. Ford pauses, and I can feel his stare, then he effortlessly picks me up and settles me on his muscular thighs. I should be surprised, or maybe get off him and put some space between us.

But instead, I wrap my arms around his solid neck and burrow my face into his chest. Because this is the one man who has never, ever let me down. And everything about him—his masculine scent that hasn’t changed in fifteen years, his muscular shoulders, his strong grip on me…everything about this man makes me feel calmer, safer, more content.

Ford holds me until my tears run dry, his hand rubbing gentle circles across my back as he waits patiently for me to calm myself.

But I find that even though my heart is no longer racing, I want to stay here, wrapped up in him.

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