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Amber nods, and the nurse is off to retrieve one.

I sit on the edge of the bed, taking her right hand in mine, trying to warm it.

“You’re so warm,” Amber says, opening her eyes.

The nurse returns with a blanket and spreads it over the lower half of Amber’s body.

I hate how sick and pale she looks, even if it’s a normal reaction to the dye. I want to see her skin full of color and her eyes bright with amusement. Seeing her sick and in a hospital bed is the worst thing I’ve experienced in life.

“I’ll come back soon to check on her, okay?”

I nod and the nurse leaves us again.

Amber’s teeth begin to chatter, and she removes her hand from mine, then uses it to pull the blanket higher on her neck.

“How can I help?” I ask, feeling desperate and useless.

“Can you warm me up?” she asks, her green eyes lifting to mine. “You’re so warm, and your body heat is way warmer than this blanket.”

My heartbeat speeds up at the thought of warming her up, of getting close to her. I bend down and slide my shoes off, then pull back her covers and scoot inside the bed beside her. She makes room for me, sliding as far as she can to the edge.

Being large is great for hockey, but not so much for hospital beds.

I adjust my body in the small bed until my side is pressed up against hers. “Is this okay?” I ask.

“I need more, get closer.” Her request isn’t sexual, not at all. But that doesn’t keep my mind from wandering since I know she’s practically naked under the hospital gown.

Rolling onto my side, I wrap an arm around her waist. Her light-blue gown is partially open in the back. I slide my hand into the opening, so my hand is pressed against the skin on her back. Her skin feels hot from the fever, but she’s still shivering.

She brings her left hand to my chest, and I’m careful not to bump the bandage on her wrist as I pull the covers up around our shoulders.

Amber sighs. “That’s better.”

Silently, I agree. But for totally different reasons than she’s probably thinking. I’m in a tiny bed, with my best friend—who’s also my wife. The skin on my hand feels tingly where it’s touching her body, and it’s incredible. The sensation of being this close to her doesn’t make me itch, or squirm. It just makes me want to get even closer. I knew it would be like this, knew it wouldn’t be like touching anyone else. But the reality of being skin-to-skin, even this small amount, has surpassed my imagination.

I glance down at her face to find her sound asleep against my chest. Tightening my arm around her, I rest my chin on top of her head, the urge to protect this woman, at an all-time high.

But even that protective urge doesn’t stop me from relaxing with my favorite person in my arms and falling asleep right along with her.

Early this morning, after an uneventful night in the hospital, Amber’s cardiologist checked in and said her vitals were stable, and she discharged her. Amber was quiet during the drive, still groggy and not feeling a hundred percent. But the moment she was in the house, she wanted to see Nella.

Thankfully, Mom and Farrah meet us in the kitchen, happy Nella in hand.

Amber’s face crumples, a sob breaking free, as she reaches for her daughter. I place a gentle hand on her back, guiding her to the sofa. “Why don’t you sit down and then you can hold her all you want, okay?”

She nods, moving to the couch and making herself comfortable. Mom hands Nella to her mommy, and Amber’s face lights up the moment she has her daughter in her arms. “Oh, Nella. Mommy’s okay now. My heart is all fixed up.”

My throat feels thick with emotion at her words. I knew she was nervous about the procedure—who wouldn’t be?—but I didn’t realize she was so scared that she might’ve worried she’d never see her daughter again if the procedure went wrong. If the cardiologist made a mistake.

I swallow, closing my eyes and willing the thought away. I can’t stand even the thought of a world without Amber. And I don’t have to because she’s right here.

Mom and Farrah sit on the couch with Amber, and I come around and join them.

“How are you feeling sweetheart?” Mom asks Amber.

“Much better now,” Amber admits, giving her daughter a squeeze.

Nella sighs, her eyes blinking slowly. She rests her head against her mother’s shoulder and closes her eyes.

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