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“That sounds perfect! Thank you so much.” I hang up the phone and finally let out the scream I’ve been holding in. “That was Peter from the salon! He said there’s a booth for me to rent. Maybe I can start as soon as Farrah comes back to nanny!”

“Congratulations. You deserve it.” Ford smiles, and it warms my heart. “Oddly enough, the lunch place we’re going to is right by the salon. So, this works out perfectly.”

“No way! Everything is falling into place.” I sink into my seat with a happy sigh.




After eating breakfast at the cute little café with black and white striped awnings, the one right across from the salon, we walk right over to meet with Peter. I smile to myself. Peter called right when I asked him to, and I appreciate his punctuality.

The salon is as clean and lovely as always, even though it’s under new ownership…from a silent owner. Peter will run it, and I, as the silent owner, will simply pay for maintenance on the building etc.

Nella is curled into my arm as we walk, Amber glances back at us and grins. She stops and pulls her phone out of her bag and snaps a photo of us. “Ford, I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but you look really sexy holding a baby.”

My face feels like it’s on fire. I’m not used to Amber telling me I’m sexy. I love it, but it’s still unexpected. I clear my throat. “Thank you.”

She laughs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just…you’re so big and muscular, then watching you be so gentle with my tiny girl. It’s really sweet.” Amber smirks, her eyes twinkling. “I love it when you talk to her too, like a whole adult conversation. It’s my favorite thing.”

I chuckle. I hadn’t realized she’d been listening in on any of my therapy sessions with Nella. “She’s a surprisingly good listener.”

Amber laughs, the sound a balm to my soul. She unzips the diaper bag, sticking her phone inside and pulling out the baby carrier.

“Here, let me,” I say, reaching out a hand. She stares at me like I’m insane. I quirk a brow. “Real men wear pink. I can wear Nells while you get your tour of the salon and talk to Peter about your job.”

“Really?” She’s still hesitant as she drops the carrier in my hand.

I hand Nella over and strap the pink carrier on, the way I’ve seen Amber do it. I have to adjust the straps for my much larger body, then Amber helps me get Nella situated and we’re on our way again.

Reaching down, I slide my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers. “This hands-free thing has its perks.”

Amber’s head falls back as she laughs.

We make it to the salon and the bell rings when we step inside. Peter greets us eagerly, his arms outstretched to give my wife a big hug. I happen to know he cleared his afternoon for this.

“Amber Remington! What a pleasure.” He hugs Amber and while he does, he shoots me a wink. I roll my eyes.

Amber pulls back, grinning wide. “I’m so excited to work here.”

Peter gets an ornery look on his face. We discussed how this was going to go, but something tells me he’s going rogue. “So, we actually require a live haircut before we can officially hire someone. Your husband is looking a little shaggy. Maybe he could be your test subject?”

“Oh, sure.” She glances back at me, checking if that’s okay.

I nod. This isn’t something I planned, but I won’t shy away from having Amber’s hands in my hair. Or anywhere on me.

Peter points to a tidy station. It looks just like his, with a large gold mirror and a pale pink salon chair. “This is your station, and it’s right next to mine. You’re a lucky girl, indeed.”

He points again, this time across the salon. “And our shampoo bowls are over there. Ford always likes a shampoo before his haircut.”

That’s a load of crap, and he knows it. He tried to shampoo me the first time he cut my hair and I declined. I’ve gotten better about people touching me, but someone shampooing my hair seemed like a little much. Until now.

“I’ll hold the baby while you show off your skills,” Peter says. “If that’s okay.”

“She’s pretty friendly, so that should be fine.”

Amber unfastens Nella, and she kicks her feet as she’s handed off to Peter. She smiles at him and his face melts. “Oh wow. Now I have baby fever.”

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