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Andie giggles. “Can we talk about how cute it is that you’re the only person who calls him Ford?”

I take a sip of my Prosecco and snatch a piece of dark chocolate from one of the charcuterie boards. “I always forget the rest of the world knows him as Remy.”

“It’s so sweet,” Noel says, picking up one of the champagne flutes. “It shows you know him on a more personal level.”

Andie waggles her eyebrows. “Very personal.”

Noel sighs. “How do you turn everything dirty?”

Andie shrugs, grabbing a crystal plate and loading it up with meats and cheeses.

Mel takes a plate and fills—no, organizes—her plate. Meat on one side, cheese on the other. Macadamia nuts in the center. Nothing touching. “So, the guys got Nella tonight, but do we get her next time?”

“It sounds like you want partial custody of Amber’s baby,” Noel jokes.

The comment reminds me of Theo’s text. I thought he’d give up easily if I just ignored him, but then he tried to call twice today. I’m so happy here with Ford, starting a new life. And I hate that he’s dragging me down, making me worry. Can’t he just let me be happy? He already made his choice, and he didn’t choose me and Nella. And although a year ago I was crushed by that, I’m grateful he didn’t. He showed me he wasn’t the man for me. And in turn, I learned how great Ford and I are together. I might have never had the chance to discover this had he stayed with me just to do the honorable thing. There’s a part of me that’s sad for my daughter, of course. I know she’ll have questions about her father someday.

But Ford has stepped up as her dad, and he’s done a damn good job of it.

“You okay?” Noel asks, looking regretful about the joke she made.

“Yeah, sorry.” I shake my head. “Nella’s dad keeps contacting me, and it’s kind of stressing me out.”

“You want to talk about it?” Andie asks, looking supportive but not trying to pressure me.

I smile. “Yeah, it’s nice to have girls to talk to. I didn’t have this back in Ohio.”

“You have a whole slew of us now, girl.” Mel pulls me into a quick side hug.

“I love it.” I hug her back, then sigh. “I’m so happy with Ford. And it feels like my ex, Theo, waited until I was happy to try to have a relationship with Nella. Like he can’t just let me live my life in peace.”

“Ugh, what a prick,” Andie’s face scrunches in annoyance.

“Right?” I groan. “But someday, Nella might want to know her father. Even if he’s not the man who acted as her dad. If that makes sense.”

Mel nods and sits on one of the couches with her plate in hand. “I see how that could be complicated. Trying to make the best choice for her without her being old enough to have an opinion.”

“What does Remy—sorry, Ford—say about it?” Noel asks.

I hedge, not knowing how to answer. So, I opt for the truth. “We’ve barely had time to talk about it, honestly. But I know he’ll support me no matter what.”

Our relationship is new and wonderful and blooming. This whole situation feels like a lot of pressure to add to something so delicate. Like a butterfly trying to pry itself out of a cocoon too soon. We need time to grow and thrive before the outside elements get us down.

But at the same time, I know Ford is a sturdy place to land. That his big shoulders can handle more than I’m giving him credit for. And I want to talk to him about all of this, but every time I try, we get interrupted with something else. Or he kisses me, and I forget anyone else exists.

I resist the urge to fan myself. Just thinking about Ford Remington has me dizzy in the head.

“Oh, girl. You’re smitten.” Andie rolls her lips, trying not to laugh.

Noel grins. “She’s a woman in love.”

“Madly in love.” Mel sighs.



